> Sorry for the delay, Dan. I have used Chirp-next on the IC-7100 a few
> times now. I havnt seen any abnormal behaviour so afaic its a tick in
> the working box for the Icom IC-7100.
Excellent, thanks I'll get it marked off.
> I had a silly idea the other day,
> while the IC-7100 cannot be pr
Sorry for the delay, Dan. I have used Chirp-next on the IC-7100 a few
times now. I havnt seen any abnormal behaviour so afaic its a tick in
the working box for the Icom IC-7100. I had a silly idea the other day,
while the IC-7100 cannot be programmed in the normal way, the SD card
can. How abou
A new build of CHIRP-next is available. This includes changes made directly to
the tree since yesterday and may include additional features, bug fixes, etc.
As a reminder, this is different from the "daily" CHIRP builds in that new
development and features are happening here. It is t