Re: [chirp_users] Which Companies provide Chirp Interface Cables for My Yaesu FT-857 Transceiver ?

2020-02-13 Thread Don Goodrich
Here ya go     Don Goodrich AF7DG     Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2020 at 1:05 PM From: "Bill Stewman" To: Subject: [chirp_users] Which Companies provide Chirp Interface Cables for

Re: [chirp_users] Which Companies provide Chirp Interface Cables for My Yaesu FT-857 Transceiver ?

2020-02-13 Thread Dave Nathanson > On Feb 13, 2020, at 1:05 PM, Bill Stewman wrote: > > Which Companies provide Chirp Interface Cables for My Yaesu FT-857 > Transceiver ? > > B

Re: [chirp_users] Which Companies provide Chirp Interface Cables for My Yaesu FT-857 Transceiver ?

2020-02-13 Thread Jardy via chirp_users
Check eBay. Jardy Dawson WA7JRD Message sent myOh, who the heck cares, anyway? Could be my shoelaces, as far as I care! > On Feb 13, 2020, at 13:06, Bill Stewman wrote: > >  > Which Companies provide Chirp Interface Cables for My Yaesu FT-857 > Transceiver ? > > Bill Stewman - W5RQR

Re: [chirp_users] Debian Python 2 removal...

2020-02-13 Thread Barry Jackson
On 13/02/2020 15:50, Richard Shaw wrote: > FYI Debian is removing or has removed Python 2... > > So it's not just Fedora. > > Thanks, > Richard > KF5OIM > > > ___ > chirp_users mailing list > > http://intrepid.danpla

Re: [chirp_users] Which Companies provide Chirp Interface Cables for My Yaesu FT-857 Transceiver ?

2020-02-13 Thread Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF
Yaesu. > On 13 February 2020 at 16:05 Bill Stewman wrote: > > Which Companies provide Chirp Interface Cables for My Yaesu FT-857 > Transceiver ? > > Bill Stewman - W5RQR - Frisco, TX - EmComm > -- > IF you forward ANY emails -- > Please delete all of th

[chirp_users] Which Companies provide Chirp Interface Cables for My Yaesu FT-857 Transceiver ?

2020-02-13 Thread Bill Stewman
Which Companies provide Chirp Interface Cables for My Yaesu FT-857 Transceiver ? Bill Stewman - W5RQR - Frisco, TX - EmComm -- * IF you forward ANY emails --* * Please delete all of the OTHER recipients * * BEFORE hitting ENTER.* *ONward & UPward* *Bill Stewman - W5RQR

[chirp_users] Possible Bug in DSTAR Settings - chirp-daily-20200213-installer

2020-02-13 Thread dan
I installed the version mentioned in the subject today, and was able to successfully read my Icom ID-51 Plus. I want to replace one of the values in the Your Call field on the D-STAR tab, but I'm not getting my new values to stick in the field. * I click on the D-STAR tab on the left, a

[chirp_users] Debian Python 2 removal...

2020-02-13 Thread Richard Shaw
FYI Debian is removing or has removed Python 2... So it's not just Fedora. Thanks, Richard KF5OIM ___ chirp_users mailing list This message was sent to arch...

[chirp_users] New Daily Build

2020-02-13 Thread Build System
/daily-20200213 A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily) follows: Changes for Build #615 [Bernhard Hailer ] [ft4] Enable Broadband FM setting was inverted. Fixes #7639. [Dan Smith ] [tk8180] Add Tone->Tone Cross mode Obviously this radio supports this, but it was mis