I loaded the Adams7 software but it will nt see the MEMFTM400D.dat file.
I copied the file from the sd card to the laptop
I did read enough on https://chirp.danplanet.com/issues/1469
to figure out a way to use Chirp with the FTM400
Basically someone uploaded a file (ftm400.py) and you load
In my experience, just barely.
Tom Henderson
On 6/13/19 4:18 PM, Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
> Does Yaesu's programming software not work?
chirp_users mailing list
Does Yaesu's programming software not work?
> On 13 June 2019 at 16:43 Fugawee wrote:
> So I finally found a need to subscribe to the list.
> Excellent program working fine on most of my radios.
> Question is now,Is there any way to open Yaesu's FTM-400 .dat file
> and edit
Here’s a list of all the officially supported radios. So far it doesn’t appear
to be officially supported but other might have some additional insight.
Jim McCorison
Orcas Island, WA
> On Jun 13, 2019, at 1:43 PM, Fu
So I finally found a need to subscribe to the list.
Excellent program working fine on most of my radios.
Question is now,Is there any way to open Yaesu's FTM-400 .dat file
and edit it? (MEMFTM400D.dat)
I have copied the file from the SD card to the computer
and tried various radios to open file,