MonetDB: ir_imprints - Merge with default

2020-08-26 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: cfa650a59a66 for MonetDB URL:;node=cfa650a59a66 Removed Files: buildtools/selinux/monetdb.fc buildtools/selinux/monetdb.if buildtools/selinux/monetdb.te sql/backends/monet5/sql_cast_impl_down_from_flt.h

MonetDB: Apr2019 - silence compiler warning/error for unused par...

2019-02-22 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 0439c4fd330b for MonetDB URL:;node=0439c4fd330b Modified Files: monetdb5/modules/atoms/xml.c Branch: Apr2019 Log Message: silence compiler warning/error for unused parameter diffs (11 lines): diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/atoms

MonetDB: viewless - make sure that we do not delete a vheap that...

2018-12-19 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 64f45efd749e for MonetDB URL:;node=64f45efd749e Modified Files: gdk/gdk_bbp.c Branch: viewless Log Message: make sure that we do not delete a vheap that is shared diffs (25 lines): diff --git a/gdk/gdk_bbp.c b/gdk/gdk_bbp.c ---

MonetDB: viewless - newline at end of file to make whitespace ho...

2018-12-11 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 11b358087af2 for MonetDB URL:;node=11b358087af2 Modified Files: gdk/gdk_align.c Branch: viewless Log Message: newline at end of file to make whitespace hook failure stop diffs (11 lines): diff --git a/gdk/gdk_align.c b/gdk/gdk_

MonetDB: viewless - no parentid or views in gdk, only shared vhe...

2018-12-11 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 426820b32019 for MonetDB URL:;node=426820b32019 Modified Files: gdk/gdk.h gdk/gdk_aggr.c gdk/gdk_align.c gdk/gdk_bat.c gdk/gdk_batop.c gdk/gdk_bbp.c gdk/gdk_group.c gdk/gdk_ha

MonetDB: viewless - BATsubhash is not needed anymore

2018-10-11 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 0f1fd60a6d79 for MonetDB URL:;node=0f1fd60a6d79 Modified Files: gdk/gdk.h Branch: viewless Log Message: BATsubhash is not needed anymore diffs (12 lines): diff --git a/gdk/gdk.h b/gdk/gdk.h --- a/gdk/gdk.h +++ b/gdk/gdk.h @@ -1

MonetDB: viewless - resolve conflicts

2018-10-11 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 8dd5bb8658b2 for MonetDB URL:;node=8dd5bb8658b2 Modified Files: clients/Tests/exports.stable.out monetdb5/extras/mal_optimizer_template/Tests/opt_sql_append.stable.out Branch: viewless Log Message: resolve conflicts diff

MonetDB: batcalc-candidates - closed branch batcalc-candidates

2018-10-11 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: ce9b1757658c for MonetDB URL:;node=ce9b1757658c Branch: batcalc-candidates Log Message: closed branch batcalc-candidates ___ checkin-list mailing list https://www.monet

MonetDB: viewless - merge with batcalc-candidates

2018-10-11 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: e86e7252e686 for MonetDB URL:;node=e86e7252e686 Added Files: ChangeLog.Aug2018 buildtools/ChangeLog.Aug2018 clients/ChangeLog.Aug2018 clients/R/Tests/deps-install.timeout clients/mapilib/ChangeLog.Au

MonetDB: batcalc-candidates - approve opt_sql_append test

2018-10-11 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: e241aa2941d8 for MonetDB URL:;node=e241aa2941d8 Modified Files: monetdb5/extras/mal_optimizer_template/Tests/opt_sql_append.stable.out Branch: batcalc-candidates Log Message: approve opt_sql_append test diffs (33 lines): diff -

MonetDB: batcalc-candidates - approve clients/exports test

2018-10-11 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: bbfd739d6d39 for MonetDB URL:;node=bbfd739d6d39 Modified Files: clients/Tests/exports.stable.out Branch: batcalc-candidates Log Message: approve clients/exports test diffs (158 lines): diff --git a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.

MonetDB: batcalc-candidates - merge subjoin

2018-10-11 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 5496b67af7d6 for MonetDB URL:;node=5496b67af7d6 Added Files: ChangeLog.Aug2018 buildtools/ChangeLog.Aug2018 clients/ChangeLog.Aug2018 clients/R/Tests/deps-install.timeout clients/mapilib/ChangeLog.Au

MonetDB: subjoin - closed branch subjoin

2018-10-11 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 32f9449371a0 for MonetDB URL:;node=32f9449371a0 Branch: subjoin Log Message: closed branch subjoin ___ checkin-list mailing list

MonetDB: subjoin - merge with default

2018-10-11 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 8ac56c9beaff for MonetDB URL:;node=8ac56c9beaff Added Files: clients/R/Tests/deps-install.timeout Modified Files: clients/R/Tests/dbapply.R clients/R/Tests/deps-install.R clients/R/Tests/deps-test.R

MonetDB: subjoin - fix some calls to exp_bin

2018-10-11 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 25236f683e06 for MonetDB URL:;node=25236f683e06 Modified Files: sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c Branch: subjoin Log Message: fix some calls to exp_bin diffs (51 lines): diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c b/sql/backends/mo

MonetDB: subjoin - merge with default

2018-10-11 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 971e1b8fd7bc for MonetDB URL:;node=971e1b8fd7bc Added Files: ChangeLog.Aug2018 buildtools/ChangeLog.Aug2018 clients/ChangeLog.Aug2018 clients/mapilib/ChangeLog.Aug2018 clients/odbc/samples/testStmtAt

MonetDB: default - typo fix cnt,ext -> ext,cnt

2018-10-02 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 9dcdc8b627a3 for MonetDB URL:;node=9dcdc8b627a3 Modified Files: sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c Branch: default Log Message: typo fix cnt,ext -> ext,cnt diffs (24 lines): diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c b/sql/backends/

MonetDB: viewless - remove VIEWcreate from sql

2018-06-06 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: a7334514bb2c for MonetDB URL:;node=a7334514bb2c Modified Files: sql/backends/monet5/sql.c Branch: viewless Log Message: remove VIEWcreate from sql diffs (69 lines): diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c b/sql/backends/monet5/s

MonetDB: viewless - tokenizer without VIEWcreate

2018-06-06 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: c52bf280eab5 for MonetDB URL:;node=c52bf280eab5 Modified Files: monetdb5/modules/mal/tokenizer.c Branch: viewless Log Message: tokenizer without VIEWcreate diffs (24 lines): diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/tokenizer.c b/monet

MonetDB: viewless - module iterator uses BATslice (creates a cop...

2018-06-06 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 327c9fd6bd38 for MonetDB URL:;node=327c9fd6bd38 Modified Files: monetdb5/modules/atoms/batxml.c monetdb5/modules/mal/iterator.c Branch: viewless Log Message: module iterator uses BATslice (creates a copy) instead of VIEWcr

MonetDB: viewless - --viewless implies only bat property check

2018-06-06 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 3c82566b59af for MonetDB URL:;node=3c82566b59af Modified Files: monetdb5/mal/mal.h tools/mserver/ Branch: viewless Log Message: --viewless implies only bat property check diffs (24 lines): diff --git a/mone

MonetDB: viewless - COLcopy never creates a view

2018-06-06 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: fdb08700796a for MonetDB URL:;node=fdb08700796a Modified Files: gdk/gdk_bat.c Branch: viewless Log Message: COLcopy never creates a view diffs (222 lines): diff --git a/gdk/gdk_bat.c b/gdk/gdk_bat.c --- a/gdk/gdk_bat.c +++ b/gd

MonetDB: viewless - BATslice always copies and never creates a view

2018-06-06 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 58307838e76c for MonetDB URL:;node=58307838e76c Modified Files: gdk/gdk_batop.c Branch: viewless Log Message: BATslice always copies and never creates a view diffs (122 lines): diff --git a/gdk/gdk_batop.c b/gdk/gdk_batop.c ---

MonetDB: viewless - introduce --viewless option

2018-06-06 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 21ed682825b4 for MonetDB URL:;node=21ed682825b4 Modified Files: gdk/gdk.h gdk/gdk_bat.c gdk/gdk_join.c gdk/gdk_select.c monetdb5/mal/mal.h monetdb5/modules/mal/mdb.c sql/backends/mone

MonetDB: viewless - merge with batcalc-candidates

2018-05-10 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 2c0a12dda430 for MonetDB URL:;node=2c0a12dda430 Added Files: common/utils/ChangeLog-Archive common/utils/ChangeLog.Mar2018 debian/libmonetdb-client10.install debian/libmonetdb-stream11.install debian

MonetDB: batcalc-candidates - support (void,oid) comparison give...

2018-05-08 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: e8aced675929 for MonetDB URL:;node=e8aced675929 Modified Files: gdk/gdk_calc_compare.h Branch: batcalc-candidates Log Message: support (void,oid) comparison given the ATOMbasetype of oid diffs (179 lines): diff --git a/gdk/gdk_

MonetDB: batcalc-candidates - compare base on the type of the BA...

2018-05-07 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 2bdf856998b5 for MonetDB URL:;node=2bdf856998b5 Modified Files: gdk/gdk_calc_compare.h Branch: batcalc-candidates Log Message: compare base on the type of the BAT and not the type of the underlying storage diffs (102 lines): di

MonetDB: batcalc-candidates - NULL result only if the IF clause ...

2018-05-04 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 0b068251b2f7 for MonetDB URL:;node=0b068251b2f7 Modified Files: gdk/gdk_calc.c Branch: batcalc-candidates Log Message: NULL result only if the IF clause is NULL, not the THEN and ELSE diffs (12 lines): diff --git a/gdk/gdk_calc

MonetDB: batcalc-candidates - merge subjoin to batcalc-candidates

2018-05-04 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 2cb8cf172fdc for MonetDB URL:;node=2cb8cf172fdc Modified Files: clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 clients/Tests/exports.stable.out gdk/gdk_cand.h

MonetDB: batcalc-candidates - merge with default

2018-05-04 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 45929805aa24 for MonetDB URL:;node=45929805aa24 Added Files: common/utils/ChangeLog-Archive common/utils/ChangeLog.Mar2018 debian/libmonetdb-client10.install debian/libmonetdb-stream11.install debian

MonetDB: subjoin - In CANDINIT: cnt is BATcount(s) and not BATco...

2018-04-27 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 249fbcac83eb for MonetDB URL:;node=249fbcac83eb Modified Files: gdk/gdk_cand.h Branch: subjoin Log Message: In CANDINIT: cnt is BATcount(s) and not BATcount(b) diffs (11 lines): diff --git a/gdk/gdk_cand.h b/gdk/gdk_cand.h ---

MonetDB: subjoin - dense sl does not imply dense sr, and vice versa

2018-04-27 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: ef9fca7eccd2 for MonetDB URL:;node=ef9fca7eccd2 Modified Files: gdk/gdk_cross.c Branch: subjoin Log Message: dense sl does not imply dense sr, and vice versa diffs (21 lines): diff --git a/gdk/gdk_cross.c b/gdk/gdk_cross.c ---

MonetDB: subjoin - merge with default

2018-04-27 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 09ecfc046559 for MonetDB URL:;node=09ecfc046559 Added Files: sql/test/BugTracker-2018/Tests/concat-str-int.Bug-6583.sql sql/test/BugTracker-2018/Tests/concat-str-int.Bug-6583.stable.err sql/test/BugTracker-2018/Test

MonetDB: viewless - viewless breaking points

2018-04-11 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 1025591e56ce for MonetDB URL:;node=1025591e56ce Modified Files: gdk/gdk_select.c sql/backends/monet5/sql.c Branch: viewless Log Message: viewless breaking points diffs (29 lines): diff --git a/gdk/gdk_select.c b/gdk/gdk

MonetDB: viewless - comment out unused functions

2018-03-20 Thread Lefteris Sidirourgos
Changeset: 38a018b01c22 for MonetDB URL:;node=38a018b01c22 Modified Files: gdk/gdk_select.c Branch: viewless Log Message: comment out unused functions diffs (19 lines): diff --git a/gdk/gdk_select.c b/gdk/gdk_select.c --- a/gdk/gdk_select