Author: erichkeane
Date: Wed Dec 20 10:51:08 2017
New Revision: 321201

Add support for ObjectFormat to TargetSpecificAttr
Looking through the code, I saw a FIXME on IFunc to switch it
to a target specific attribute. In looking through it, i saw that
the no-longer-appropriately-named TargetArch didn't support ObjectFormat

This patch changes the name of TargetArch to TargetSpecific
(since it checks much more than just Arch), makes "Arch" optional, adds
support for ObjectFormat, better documents the TargetSpecific type, and
changes IFunc over to a TargetSpecificAttr.

Differential Revision:


Modified: cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/
--- cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/ (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/ Wed Dec 20 10:51:08 2017
@@ -267,13 +267,24 @@ def RenderScript : LangOpt<"RenderScript
 def ObjC : LangOpt<"ObjC1">;
 def BlocksSupported : LangOpt<"Blocks">;
-// Defines targets for target-specific attributes. The list of strings should
-// specify architectures for which the target applies, based off the ArchType
-// enumeration in Triple.h.
-class TargetArch<list<string> arches> {
-  list<string> Arches = arches;
+// Defines targets for target-specific attributes. Empty lists are unchecked.
+class TargetSpec {
+  // Specifies Architectures for which the target applies, based off the
+  // ArchType enumeration in Triple.h.
+  list<string> Arches = [];
+  // Specifies Operating Systems for which the target applies, based off the
+  // OSType enumeration in Triple.h
   list<string> OSes;
+  // Specifies the C++ ABIs for which the target applies, based off the
+  // TargetCXXABI::Kind in TargetCXXABI.h.
   list<string> CXXABIs;
+  // Specifies Object Formats for which the target applies, based off the
+  // ObjectFormatType enumeration in Triple.h
+  list<string> ObjectFormats;
+class TargetArch<list<string> arches> : TargetSpec {
+  let Arches = arches;
 def TargetARM : TargetArch<["arm", "thumb", "armeb", "thumbeb"]>;
 def TargetAVR : TargetArch<["avr"]>;
@@ -288,6 +299,9 @@ def TargetWindows : TargetArch<["x86", "
 def TargetMicrosoftCXXABI : TargetArch<["x86", "x86_64", "arm", "thumb", 
"aarch64"]> {
   let CXXABIs = ["Microsoft"];
+def TargetELF : TargetSpec {
+  let ObjectFormats = ["ELF"];
 // Attribute subject match rules that are used for #pragma clang attribute.
@@ -465,8 +479,8 @@ class InheritableAttr : Attr;
 /// A target-specific attribute.  This class is meant to be used as a mixin
 /// with InheritableAttr or Attr depending on the attribute's needs.
-class TargetSpecificAttr<TargetArch target> {
-  TargetArch Target = target;
+class TargetSpecificAttr<TargetSpec target> {
+  TargetSpec Target = target;
   // Attributes are generally required to have unique spellings for their names
   // so that the parser can determine what kind of attribute it has parsed.
   // However, target-specific attributes are special in that the attribute only
@@ -1121,7 +1135,7 @@ def IBOutletCollection : InheritableAttr
   let Documentation = [Undocumented];
-def IFunc : Attr {
+def IFunc : Attr, TargetSpecificAttr<TargetELF> {
   let Spellings = [GCC<"ifunc">];
   let Args = [StringArgument<"Resolver">];
   let Subjects = SubjectList<[Function]>;

Modified: cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp Wed Dec 20 10:51:08 2017
@@ -1844,12 +1844,6 @@ static void handleIFuncAttr(Sema &S, Dec
     S.Diag(Attr.getLoc(), diag::err_alias_is_definition) << FD << 1;
-  // FIXME: it should be handled as a target specific attribute.
-  if (S.Context.getTargetInfo().getTriple().getObjectFormat() !=
-          llvm::Triple::ELF) {
-    S.Diag(Attr.getLoc(), diag::warn_attribute_ignored) << Attr.getName();
-    return;
-  }
   D->addAttr(::new (S.Context) IFuncAttr(Attr.getRange(), S.Context, Str,

Modified: cfe/trunk/test/Sema/attr-ifunc.c
--- cfe/trunk/test/Sema/attr-ifunc.c (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/test/Sema/attr-ifunc.c Wed Dec 20 10:51:08 2017
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 #if defined(_WIN32)
 void foo() {}
 void bar() __attribute__((ifunc("foo")));
-//expected-warning@-1 {{'ifunc' attribute ignored}}
+//expected-warning@-1 {{unknown attribute 'ifunc' ignored}}
 #if defined(CHECK_ALIASES)

Modified: cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/ClangAttrEmitter.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/ClangAttrEmitter.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/ClangAttrEmitter.cpp Wed Dec 20 10:51:08 2017
@@ -2622,6 +2622,31 @@ void EmitClangAttrPCHWrite(RecordKeeper
   OS << "  }\n";
+// Helper function for GenerateTargetSpecificAttrChecks that alters the 'Test'
+// parameter with only a single check type, if applicable.
+static void GenerateTargetSpecificAttrCheck(const Record *R, std::string &Test,
+                                            std::string *FnName,
+                                            StringRef ListName,
+                                            StringRef CheckAgainst,
+                                            StringRef Scope) {
+  if (!R->isValueUnset(ListName)) {
+    Test += " && (";
+    std::vector<StringRef> Items = R->getValueAsListOfStrings(ListName);
+    for (auto I = Items.begin(), E = Items.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+      StringRef Part = *I;
+      Test += CheckAgainst;
+      Test += " == ";
+      Test += Scope;
+      Test += Part;
+      if (I + 1 != E)
+        Test += " || ";
+      if (FnName)
+        *FnName += Part;
+    }
+    Test += ")";
+  }
 // Generate a conditional expression to check if the current target satisfies
 // the conditions for a TargetSpecificAttr record, and append the code for
 // those checks to the Test string. If the FnName string pointer is non-null,
@@ -2635,29 +2660,15 @@ static void GenerateTargetSpecificAttrCh
   // named "T" and a TargetInfo object named "Target" within
   // scope that can be used to determine whether the attribute exists in
   // a given target.
-  Test += "(";
-  for (auto I = Arches.begin(), E = Arches.end(); I != E; ++I) {
-    StringRef Part = *I;
-    Test += "T.getArch() == llvm::Triple::";
-    Test += Part;
-    if (I + 1 != E)
-      Test += " || ";
-    if (FnName)
-      *FnName += Part;
-  }
-  Test += ")";
-  // If the attribute is specific to particular OSes, check those.
-  if (!R->isValueUnset("OSes")) {
-    // We know that there was at least one arch test, so we need to and in the
-    // OS tests.
+  Test += "true";
+  // If one or more architectures is specified, check those.  Arches are 
+  // differently because GenerateTargetRequirements needs to combine the list
+  // with ParseKind.
+  if (!Arches.empty()) {
     Test += " && (";
-    std::vector<StringRef> OSes = R->getValueAsListOfStrings("OSes");
-    for (auto I = OSes.begin(), E = OSes.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+    for (auto I = Arches.begin(), E = Arches.end(); I != E; ++I) {
       StringRef Part = *I;
-      Test += "T.getOS() == llvm::Triple::";
+      Test += "T.getArch() == llvm::Triple::";
       Test += Part;
       if (I + 1 != E)
         Test += " || ";
@@ -2667,21 +2678,17 @@ static void GenerateTargetSpecificAttrCh
     Test += ")";
+  // If the attribute is specific to particular OSes, check those.
+  GenerateTargetSpecificAttrCheck(R, Test, FnName, "OSes", "T.getOS()",
+                                  "llvm::Triple::");
   // If one or more CXX ABIs are specified, check those as well.
-  if (!R->isValueUnset("CXXABIs")) {
-    Test += " && (";
-    std::vector<StringRef> CXXABIs = R->getValueAsListOfStrings("CXXABIs");
-    for (auto I = CXXABIs.begin(), E = CXXABIs.end(); I != E; ++I) {
-      StringRef Part = *I;
-      Test += "Target.getCXXABI().getKind() == TargetCXXABI::";
-      Test += Part;
-      if (I + 1 != E)
-        Test += " || ";
-      if (FnName)
-        *FnName += Part;
-    }
-    Test += ")";
-  }
+  GenerateTargetSpecificAttrCheck(R, Test, FnName, "CXXABIs",
+                                  "Target.getCXXABI().getKind()",
+                                  "TargetCXXABI::");
+  // If one or more object formats is specified, check those.
+  GenerateTargetSpecificAttrCheck(R, Test, FnName, "ObjectFormats",
+                                  "T.getObjectFormat()", "llvm::Triple::");
 static void GenerateHasAttrSpellingStringSwitch(
@@ -3301,11 +3308,6 @@ static std::string GenerateTargetRequire
   // Get the list of architectures to be tested for.
   const Record *R = Attr.getValueAsDef("Target");
   std::vector<StringRef> Arches = R->getValueAsListOfStrings("Arches");
-  if (Arches.empty()) {
-    PrintError(Attr.getLoc(), "Empty list of target architectures for a "
-                              "target-specific attr");
-    return "defaultTargetRequirements";
-  }
   // If there are other attributes which share the same parsed attribute kind,
   // such as target-specific attributes with a shared spelling, collapse the

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