5) I did *not* try the Hurricane Electric 6in4 tunnel.
Best regards,
Rich Brown
Hanover, NH
Cerowrt-devel mailing list
wisdom on the
subject. I’ll help with that.
On Dec 15, 2013, at 6:33 AM, Sebastian Moeller wrote:
> Hi Rich,
> On Dec 15, 2013, at 06:16 , Rich Brown wrote:
>> I did a tftp install of CeroWrt 3.10.42-1 on my secondary WNDR3800. I then
>> use
I played around a bit more with the wifi on CeroWrt 3.10.24-1, and discovered
the ‘wifi' command gives a bunch errors. I don’t know if these are relevant.
I’ve included the output of the wifi command, as well as the
/etc/config/wireless file’s contents.
The current state of wifi is:s
- The wi
Dave, List,
> + hopefully nasty interface initialization bug fixed
> http://www.bufferbloat.net/issues/437
In a one-out-of-one test, this build causes all six wireless interfaces to
start up: CEROwrt (and guest) on 2.4 and 5 GHz, and both babel SSID’s.
In addition, the ‘wifi’ command does not g
Hi Sebastian,
>> And while trying to make an intelligent guess, I wonder how to map
>> none/tc_stab into DSL and/or ATM; if adsl is the same as DSL;
> No ADLS is one out of a family of xDSLs (digital subscriber lines). As
> far as I know SDSL does not use ATM, VDSL1 might use ATM and al
I like David Lang’s questions:
1) If we had “full knowledge” of the customer’s link, how many different cases
would we have to take into account?
2) What happens if we get it wrong?
And I think I understand Sebastian Moeller’s answers:
1) People using ATM-based carriers need the ATM link layer
Hi Sebastian,
>> Perhaps we could extend the Interface configuration page to add a “Link uses
>> DSL/ADSL:” checkbox right below the Protocol dropdown. Default would be off,
>> but when customers go to the GE00 interface to enter their PPPoE/PPPoATM/ISP
>> credentials, they’d see this additiona
On Dec 19, 2013, at 5:49 AM, Sebastian Moeller wrote:
> Hi Rich,
> On Dec 19, 2013, at 05:12 , Rich Brown wrote:
>> Hi Sebastian,
>>>> Perhaps we could extend the Interface configura
You wrote:
> What's in a name? AQM has been pretty thoroughly defined to equal
> active queue *length* management and not packet scheduling.
> Overloading "AQM" what cerowrt does is apt to cause even more
> confusion in the field than it already does. We discussed using LBO as
> a word but
On Dec 20, 2013, at 4:22 PM, dpr...@reed.com wrote:
> They are based on a completely false premise - that queues should be allowed
> to build at all, and that local information can solve highly transient global
> problems.
> "Dumb Queue Management" is going to be far superior. Keep the que
I have updated the CeroWrt 3.10 AQM page. Thanks for all the comments, I’ll
incorporate more comments as people send them in. Some thoughts on the page so
- I agree that we should keep the descriptions generic (that is, not tailored
specifically to CeroWrt) so we can push into Open
I just remembered that about a year ago, Bill McGonigle offered a “marketing
name” for CeroWrt - BroadbandEQ. He wrote:
> From: Bill McGonigle
> Subject: Re: Dang, I forgot...
> Date: December 10, 2012 11:13:55 PM EST
> To: Richard Brown
> Rationale: Not a precise technical name, bu
On Dec 20, 2013, at 11:32 PM, Hector Ordorica wrote:
> I'm running 3.10.13-2 on a WNDR3800, and have used the suggested
> settings from the latest draft:
> http://www.bufferbloat.net/projects/cerowrt/wiki/Setting_up_AQM_for_CeroWrt_310
> I have a 30Mb down / 5Mb upload cable connection.
> installed this remotely to the yurtlab and the box didn't magically
> reappear. Be cautious with this.
> I'll be stopping in there tomorrow (monday)
I can confirm a problem.I installed 3.10.24-7 on my WNDR3800 secondary router
(hoping to get screen shots for the AQM GUI). It doesn’t
I haven’t done extensive testing, everything seems to be working
without surprise.
Thanks, Dave, for this Christmas present, and all the best to CeroWrt’ers for
the new year.
Rich Brown
Hanover, NH USA
Cerowrt-devel mailing list
So I screwed up my courage and replaced my 3.10.18-? firmware in my primary
router with 3.10.24-8. That version had worked well as a secondary, so I
figured, What the heck… Let’s give it try.
The result was not pretty. I set my link speeds in the SQM page, chose the
defaults for the Queue Disci
I updated the page to reflect the 3.10.24-8 build, and its new GUI pages.
There are still lots of open questions. Comments, please.
Cerowrt-devel mailing list
> Probably didn't start sqm properly
> Restart it by hand via /etc/init.d/sqm restart
> tc -s qdisc show dev ge00
> Should show htb and fq codel.
Uh oh. PEBCAK (Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard :-)
I see the problem… There’s this little checkbox in the “Basic Settings” of the
> You are a very good writer and I am on a tablet.
> Ill take a pass at the wiki tomorrow.
> The shaper does up and down was my first thought...
Everyone else… Don’t let Dave hog all the fun! Read the tech note and give
> On Dec 27, 2013
Hi Sebastian,
> I would love to comment further, but after reloading
> http://www.bufferbloat.net/projects/cerowrt/wiki/Setting_up_AQM_for_CeroWrt_310
> just returns a blank page and I can not get back to the page as of yesterday
> evening… I will have a look later to see whether the page resur
As I write the SQM page, I find I have questions that I can’t answer myself.
I’m going to post these questions separately because they’ll each generate
their own threads of conversation.
QUESTION #1: How does SQM shape the ingress?
I know that fq_codel can shape the egress traffic by discardin
QUESTION #2: How does CeroWrt use info gleaned from the link layer adaptation?
Specifically, the link layer adaptation all seem to be designed to compute the
actual time it takes to transmit a packet, accounting for Ethernet & PPPoE
header bytes, other overhead, and ATM 48-in-53 framing.
How do
QUESTION #3: How shall we recommend people set their upload/download speeds?
Although we have already spent a lot of time on the list batting around ways to
think about this, it seems to me that there are only two choices for
recommendations, especially given that most people looking at CeroWrt
QUESTION #4: What are the major features of (and/or differences between) the
simple.qos, simplest.qos, and drr.qos scripts?
I’ll use this information to flesh out the Details… section for that section of
the page.
Cerowrt-devel mailing list
What great comments! I knew the group would send out a lot of good information.
Cerowrt-devel mailing list
QUESTION #5: I still don’t have any great answers for the Link Layer Adaptation
overhead descriptions and recommendations. In an earlier message, (see
and following messages), Fred Stratton described the overheads ca
I was going to find some time today to call the product manager and/or
marketing contact to see if they can give advice.
What else would the collective wisdom care to know about?
On Jan 7, 2014, at 10:46 AM, Toke Høiland-Jørgensen wrote:
> Looks promising, if somewhat pricey?
> http:
The press release for the new Linksys WRT1900AC has some details: 1.2GHz
dual-core ARM, 128MBytes Flash, 256MBytes DDR3 RAM, 2.4 & 5 GHz dual band, lots
of other good stuff.
… and also…
On Jan
Thanks for all the good responses to this question. I have incorporated the
info into the SQM page on the wiki, so that it now gives broad recommendations
for each link type, and refers people to the (new) “Everything you wanted to
know about Link Layer Adaptation” page.
This allows som
The VDSL option is burning up way too many of my brain cells. Given that VDSL
may well use ATM, while VDSL2 is unlikely to use ATM, I think that it isn’t
useful to include it as a top-level choice .
In the new pages, I propose removing the VDSL choice, leaving:
- “ATM (any kind of DSL link)” a
I am so pleased with the state of CeroWrt. The software has improved
enormously, to the point that we all get really good performance from our
routers at home. If you want a real eyeful of the progress we’ve made, check
list at the bottom of the Release Notes:
Despite a couple calls and e-mails to Mike Chen and Karen Sohl last week, I
have not had a response. I’ll keep trying this week after they return from the
CES show.
On Jan 7, 2014, at 11:17 AM, Rich Brown wrote:
> The press release for the new Linksys WRT1900AC has some details: 1.2
Hi Sebastian,
>> In the new pages, I propose removing the VDSL choice, leaving:
>> - “ATM (any kind of DSL link)” and
>> - “None”
> Well, that looks like a decent recommendation for the wiki. The SQM
> configuration page still needs to expose all three values, atm, ethernet, and
HI Sebastian,
> Well, that looks like a decent recommendation for the wiki. The SQM
> configuration page still needs to expose all three values, atm, ethernet, and
> none so that people can actually change things...
So two questions really:
1) (From my previous note) What’s the differen
Hi Sebastian,
> It is quite clear to me, that I failed to explain the matters
> surrounding ATM links properly. But if I can not explain this to a small
> group of technical experts there is no chance for me to explain this to lay
> persons. I will try my best to contribute to the "more t
Hi Sebastian,
>>> Well, that looks like a decent recommendation for the wiki. The SQM
>>> configuration page still needs to expose all three values, atm, ethernet,
>>> and none so that people can actually change things...
>> So two questions really:
>> 1) (From my previous note) Wha
Saw this on Network World…
Cerowrt-devel mailing list
Since I kicked off this thread, let me second what David and Toke have said.
I used the wrong word - "stable" - when I really wanted a new stake in the
ground. Our first was CeroWrt 3.7.5-2 - it was great. I used it for a long time
before these newer builds got even better and I was willing to r
On Jan 18, 2014, at 10:46 AM, Jim Gettys wrote:
> If renumbering is going on, I'd complain at Comcast. I'd suspect it's an
> artifact of an early deployment and testing rather than intentional behavior.
> They get to deal with service calls from anything that breaks, and this is
> still ear
On Jan 20, 2014, at 10:00 AM, Maciej Soltysiak wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 7:07 AM, Dave Taht wrote:
>> ** The wndr3800 is obsolete and fixing the next generation soon would be good
> On wndr3800 being obsolete... I was asked recently for a router
> recommendation.
> I wanted to say WNDR3
I have created a new page (to make a better URL) that describes process of
setting up SQM on the newest CeroWrt 3.10.26-2. The earlier page now redirects
to this:
There are new screen shots, but they retain the same
It would be good for you to put your name and date on this report, so people
can understand how current the data is.
Hope all's well. I had a fun time at a hackathon in Boston last weekend. Won a
prize too (!). See
On Jan 19, 2014, at 11:11 AM, Fred Stratton wrote:
> I would point out that changing theme is likely to give Rich Brown great
> difficulty, as it renders his wiki page obsolete.
Yes, but... It's easy to make screen shots, and the new GUI is very nice. It
works great in a browser.
OK, I think we have consensus. I have modified the text of the Setting up SQM
page as described in the earlier messages
The wiki now says:
Thanks for this update. I think we're content with the behavior/performance of
the current code. My note was just obsessing about the words that we present to
customers who use CeroWrt.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:06 PM, Dave Taht wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 10:44 PM, Rich Brow
On Feb 9, 2014, at 2:06 PM, Dave Taht wrote:
> Rich Brown had contacted linksys. I don't know the current status.
I pinged them in mid-January, and got back a "We're really busy right now, but
will get back to you soon..."
response. I will follow-up this week.
> Anyone tried the R7000?
> http://www.myopenrouter.com/download/52625/DD-WRT-K3-for-NETGEAR-R7000-Nighthawk-WiFi-Router-Kong-build/
Saw this review on Amazon that somewhat speaks to this...
More excitement...
Cerowrt-devel mailing list
Hi Fred and Sebastian,
I just want to say that I have enjoyed reading this thread. Even though I'm an
electrical engineer by training, I sorta thought DSL "just worked" - plug the
phone line in one side of the modem, plug the router into the other, and
Presto! You're on the air. I had no idea t
e posted the results of my netperf-wrapper trials at
http://richb-hanover.com - There are a number of RRUL charts, taken with
different link rates configured, and with different link layers.
I welcome people's thoughts for other tests/adjustments/etc.
Rich Brown
Hanover, NH USA
PS I did tr
hanges were made to both that give better UDP results.
> -Aaron
> On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 3:36 PM, Rich Brown wrote:
> CeroWrt 3.10.28-14 is doing a good job of keeping latency low. But... it has
> two other effects:
> - I don't get the full &qu
I took some time this weekend, and ran careful speed and latency tests on the
CeroWrt 3.10.28-16 build. I have a much better understanding of how all this
works, both in theory and in practice. Here's an executive summary of the
overall test procedure with lots of details below.
Adjusting CeroW
# pingstats.sh - Script to start pinging a host and
# produce summary of the response times after receiving a Ctl-C
# Usage: sh pingstats.sh [ host name/ip to ping ]
# If there is an option, it is treated as the name/address to ping
# Default is gstatic.com
# Copyright (c) 2014 - Rich Brown
b 0p requeues 0
maxpacket 0 drop_overlimit 0 new_flow_count 0 ecn_mark 0
new_flows_len 0 old_flows_len 0
qdisc ingress : parent :fff1
Sent 278307120 bytes 467944 pkt (dropped 0, overlimits 0 requeues 0)
backlog 0b 0p requeues 0
> On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 1:18
> Currently there is no default auto tuning, the user needs to put the
> word auto into the "target" fields in the queue discipline tab in SQM (which
> is only exposed after selecting "show advanced configuration" and "show
> dangerous configuration", not very user friendly, at
> Target 30ms would be interesting. 30+ % packet loss on this test (and
> your link is still operable!)
Wait. How can you detect the packet loss from the data I sent along?
> At your speed range the behavior of the tcp upload is governed by the
> initial window size more than anything else
I got the wireshark info.
It was my intent to replicate the RRUL -p all_scaled test with both 'auto' and
'30ms' for the egress target. I hope I got it correct - both the settings and
the wireshark capture.
> On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 6:28 PM, Rich Brown wrote:
>> Dave,
>> I got the wireshark info.
>> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21403660/RRUL-Wireshark.zip
>> It was my intent to replicate the RRUL -p all_scaled test wit
Sebastian's note reminded me I also had trouble with connectivity, my problem
came with 3.10.28-16. I flashed it (tftp) last weekend onto my WNDR3700v2 and
it seemed fine. I then used it for all the netperf experiments that I posted on
Sunday. Shortly thereafter, I went out for a while.
When I
I'm riding on the bus to Boston. It's wifi equipped, but the
connection's terribly slow. A ping (attached) shows:
- No responses for 10 seconds, then the first ping returns. (!)
- This trace gets as bad as 12 seconds, but I have seen another with 20 seconds
I wonder what it would take to get th
I have updated the 3.10 Release Note page to match my understanding of the
3.10.32-9 release of 14 March 2014. It would be good to get more eyes on the
page to look for inconsistencies, outright errors, omissions, etc. It's at:
I updated the wiki to incorporate features of 3.10.32-12.
- The SQM page has been updated to include current screen shots and describe
the options. A question: what are the units for the Hard Limit on
Thanks for those comments. I have updated these pages:
PS The updated GUI is available through System -> Language and Style (select
I have created a 'speedtest.sh' shell script that simulates the
http://speedtest.net, but does it one better.
The default options for the script do a separate TCP_MAERTS and TCP_STREAM for
60 seconds while collecting ping latency. The output of the script shows the
down/upload speed as well as
You can get it from my CeroWrtScripts git repo:
https://github.com/richb-hanover/CeroWrtScripts It also includes the
config-cerowrt.sh that I use to get consistent settings after flashing
firmware, and my tunnelbroker.sh script that sets up a 6in4 tunnel.
On Mar 25, 2014, at 12:35 PM, Dave Taht
In the betterspeedtest.sh note, I mentioned that I stood up a netperf server at
netperf.richb-hanover.com for the world to use. It seems to be handling the
load, but I still want to keep an eye on it.
I also wanted to learn about Node.js and some of the associated modules and
Although I didn't mention it, my VPS has always had IPv6 capabilities at
netperf6.richb-hanover.com. You can run betterspeedtest.sh against an IPv6
netserver with:
sh betterspeedtest.sh -H netperf6.richb-hanover.com
You can also check the load on it at http://netperf.richb-hanover.com.
On Apr 1, 2014, at 2:21 PM, Dave Taht wrote:
> One thing I've noticed is the academic community is now seemingly defining
> "bufferbloat" as something that happens with > 200ms induced queuing
> delay delay, where I (we) define it as "excessive queueing", and in
> this group, are "settling" for
On Apr 7, 2014, at 1:24 PM, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
> I assume this is a hook that OpenWRT puts into the firmware, not
> something added by CeroWRT. I wonder if they'll keep it in the code:
I would hope they keep it the
Larry Seltzer at ZDnet.com posted a short note about the new Linksys router. I
posted a response.
I'm trying to send Larry a direct response so he can ask more questions if he's
I lost my 2.4GHz wifi yesterday after about two weeks of uptime. 5GHz worked
fine. Both the failing machines were OSX laptops or iPads, but I failed to
check with my Windows or Android devices. We had been away for ~24 hours, and
had not been using it heavily before we left.
Since ther
The following information was culled from the cerowrt-devel mailing list from
April 2014. I don't know if it's relevant for the current 3.10.36... versions,
so please update this list and then I'll publish it to the wiki.
If wifi seems to hang using CeroWrt, pleas
See also the LibreSSL effort, where they're hacking and slashing out
("flensing" - look it up) all the old cruft from OpenSSL to produce something
less byzantine, more maintanable:
- http://www.libressl.org/ - their main site
- http://richb-hanover.com/libressl-fork-of-openssl/ - an excerpt of s
I have updated a number of scripts for CeroWrt. Interesting changes include:
- betterspeedtest.sh now initiates multiple streams (default is 5) so that it
really saturates the link during the (separate) download and upload phases.
- netperfrunner.sh allows you to change the number of si
On May 1, 2014, at 2:37 PM, Simon Kelley wrote:
> On 30/04/14 18:26, Dave Taht wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 1:57 PM, Phil Pennock
>> wrote:
snip, snip snip...
>> Is the consensus to not run with negative proofs on at this juncture?
> If you want stuff to just work, turn off negative p
I was trying to use git to clone the CeroWrtScripts repository
(https://github.com/richb-hanover/CeroWrtScripts) into my router, but I hit a
snag. When I issue the 'git clone ...' command, I get the following error on
root@cerowrt:/usr/lib/CeroWrtScripts# git clone https://githu
Cisco posted a note re: Bufferbloat and their PIE algorithm the other day.
I added a comment that gives a little more background about the history of the
problem, and acknowledges the work from the Bufferbloat project team, kernel
developers, and other industry players to produce a good result.
sh config-cerowrt.sh networkhammer.sh
README.md cerostats.shnetperfrunner.shtunnelbroker.sh
See the original github.com repo at:
On May 7, 2014, at 10:09 AM, Toke Høiland-Jørgensen wrote:
> Rich Brown writes:
Thanks, Jesper,
On May 8, 2014, at 6:17 AM, Jesper Dangaard Brouer wrote:
> On Wed, 7 May 2014 09:20:51 -0400
> Rich Brown wrote:
>> Cisco posted a note re: Bufferbloat and their PIE algorithm the other day.
>> I added a comment that gives a little more b
I just noticed that the announcement for the first testable implementation of
fq_codel was two days ago today - 14 May 2012. Build 3.3.6-2 was the first to
include working fq_codel.
Two years later, we see fq_cod
I was updating the CeroWrtScripts page on the Bufferbloat.net site
(http://www.bufferbloat.net/projects/cerowrt/wiki/CeroWrtScripts) and for
grins, I ran the cerostats.sh script on my router to see what it had to say for
I'm running CeroWrt 3.10.40-5 (not the latest 3.10.40-6) on my WND
Hi Maciej,
I have not tested that script for a long while, so I'm not certain that it's
completely working. (I know it worked fine in the 3.7.5 time frame, but there's
been a ton of work since then.) I'd welcome any input on the script/CeroWrt
config for the HE 6in4 tunnel.
BTW: For ease of ma
On Jun 17, 2014, at 5:06 PM, Dave Taht wrote:
> Disable one on your first boot. (/etc/init.d/avahi-daemon disable
> or /etc/init.d/mdnsd disable). I'd like it if people explored mdsnd
> with awareness that it doesn't proxy yet...
How do I enable mDNS using mdnsd for ge00 on my secondary router?
See the second paragraph of:
Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
Cerowrt-devel mailing list
Doc Searls
mentioned in passing that he uses a new speed test website. I checked it out,
and it was very cool…
www.speedof.me is an all-HTML5 website that seems to make accurate measurements
of the up and dow
ocess -
> its to do with incorrect inference and hence missing the buffering effects.
> On 20 Jul 2014, at 14:19, Rich Brown wrote:
>> Doc Searls
>> (http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/doc/2014/07/20/the-cliff-peronal-clouds-need-to-climb/)
>> mentioned in passing that he
Hi Neil,
> I have a deep worry over this style of single point measurement - and hence
> speed - as an appropriate measure. We know, and have evidence, that
> throughput/utilisation is not a good proxy for the network delivering
> suitable quality of experience. We work with organisation (Telco
Comments on the CeroWrt 3.10.50-1 build that I installed on my WNDR3700v2
primary router:
• Seemed to install and configure properly (I dl’d the updated version
with the lighthttpd fix)
• I used a local copy of config-cerowrt.sh (from
> I will try to keep an eye and report back. You know what would be
> really useful? A breakdown of all the useful logs that one would need
> to provide when reporting on a bug.
> Even more user-friendly would be a script that generates all relevant
> information/logs to debugging. Perhaps one
I'll sign too. (And I like the 98th percentile measure for each direction to
give a single number that represents what's happening. It could include ping
loss rate, as well...)
But more importantly, an open letter would likely be more powerful than the
results I got from sending a note t
> Could we make use of the existing test servers (running netperf) for that
> demonstration? How hard is the protocol to fake in Javascript?
Not having coded a stitch of this, I *think* it would require the following:
- Web page on netperf-xxx.bufferbloat.net that served out the java
On Sep 12, 2014, at 3:17 AM, Jesper Dangaard Brouer wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Sep 2014 20:13:19 -0400
> Rich Brown wrote:
>> I'll sign too. (And I like the 98th percentile measure for each
>> direction to give a single number that represents what's happening. It
catch! I'll update the scripts soon. Thanks.
Rich Brown
On Sep 22, 2014, at 4:45 PM, Eric S. Johansson wrote:
> changing the internal address and I got:
> Changing IP subnets to and
> sed: can't create temp file '/etc/chroot/named/etc/bind/*/*K4sTR
Hi Eric,
> I changed the internal subnet and it looks like everything changes correctly
> but what happens is the interface comes up and I can ping it. I see IPv6
> traffic coming from it (I believe) but there's no IPv4 response .I should see
> if I can set up my Linux machine as IPv6 and see i
Hokey pokey! CeroWrt sez... 53d 22h 38m 21s This is great!
Everything seems to be fine. mdns, routing, low bloat, etc. I have not fired up
a Hurricane Electric tunnel, but perhaps I should.
Dave: you can feel justified in taking a victory lap!
On Sep 27, 2014, at 1:23 PM, Dave Taht wrote
Not having looked at the 6in4 tunnel through Hurricane Electric since the
spring, I decided to try it again. The script on the wiki
(http://www.bufferbloat.net/projects/cerowrt/wiki) didn't work out of the box,
and I discovered that OpenWrt (and therefore CeroWrt) needs a tweak to a
d from github whenever there's a new build of
Please get back to me if you have any questions.
Rich Brown
+1 603-262-3957 (land line)
+1 603-252-7005 (cell)
Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
Alan Jenkins wrote:
> I wondered how netperfrunner managed to induce so much more latency than
> betterspeedtest.sh. It turns out netperfrunner was pinging the wrong host. It
> was pinging the target netperf server, instead of the closer gstatic.com.
Alan's changes have been pulled into
I'm using a Comtrend AR-5831u DSL modem for my internet access. I've set it up
as a bridge, so I have CeroWrt 3.10.50-1 configured to supply the PPP
user/password. Everything's working fine. Almost.
The problem I'm seeing is that my DSL line is dropping on a regular basis.
(several times per da
st networks (but since I did not
> get it to work that theory might be bogus as well).
> Oh, if you manage to set this up I would love to get your recepie so
> the next time I play with PPPoE I will still have access to the modem… ;)
> Best Regards
> Sebas
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