[Cerowrt-devel] ietf "spring" blows up, china telcom tries to bypass the ietf, the fcc requires a centralized db for routers in the 6ghz spectrum

2020-04-23 Thread Dave Taht
spring: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/spring/vPLYU-jdUxckNNRWsBgUq0EGgFk/ these folk submitted patches with great enthusiasm for the concept to the netdev mailing list: https://www.ietf.org/id/draft-li-6man-app-aware-ipv6-network-01.txt and the fcc glowingly describes how well their cent

[Cerowrt-devel] nsscodel on the ipq806 series

2020-04-23 Thread Dave Taht
up until this moment I had no idea "nsscodel" had been offloaded onto this chipset and somewhat folded into openwrt https://forum.openwrt.org/t/ipq806x-nss-drivers/12613/ I knew it existed in multiple commercial products, but... -- Make Music, Not War Dave Täht CTO, TekLibre, LLC http://www.te