Dear All
We created an erasure coded pool with k=4 m=2 with failure-domain=host but have
only 6 osd nodes.
Is that correct that recovery will be forbidden by the crush rule if a node is
After rebooting all nodes we noticed that the recovery was slow, maybe half an
hour, but all
ase don't read this as *the* solution for your environment.
Zitat von Scheurer François :
> Dear All
> We created an erasure coded pool with k=4 m=2 with failure-domain=host
> but have only 6 osd nodes.
> Is that correct that recovery will be forbidden by
of view.)
Best Regards
Francois Scheurer
From: Caspar Smit
Sent: Friday, February 8, 2019 11:47 AM
To: Scheurer François
Cc: Alan Johnson; Eugen Block;
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] best practices for EC pools
Op vr 8 feb. 2019 om 11:
Hi Casey
Thank you for your help. We fixed the problem on the same day but then I forgot
to post back the solution here...
So basically we had 2 problems:
-the barbican secret key payload need to be exactly 32 Bytes
-the ceph.conf need a user id (username not ok): rgw keystone barbican user =
Dear Casey, Dear Ceph Users
The following is written in the radosgw documentation
rgw crypt default encryption key =
Important: This mode is for diagnostic purposes only! The ceph confi
equest body for setting SSE-S3.";>
From: Casey Bodley
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2019 3:55 PM
To: Scheurer François;
Subject: Re: i
esday, May 28, 2019 5:37 PM
To: Scheurer François;
Subject: Re: is rgw crypt default encryption key long term supported ?
On 5/28/19 11:17 AM, Scheurer François wrote:
> Hi Casey
> I greatly appreciate your quick and helpful answer :-)
>> It&
From: Scheurer François
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2019 9:28 AM
To: Casey Bodley;
Subject: Re: is rgw crypt default encryption key long term supported ?
Hello Casey
Thank you for your reply.
To close this subject, one last qu
Dear Casey
Thank you for the update and bug report.
Best Regards
Francois Scheurer
From: Casey Bodley
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 4:53 PM
To: Scheurer François;
Subject: Re: is rgw crypt default encryption key long term