Hi there,
it seems like ceph-deploy (in firefly but also in 0.72) on rhel6.5 wants to
install stuff from el6 repo, even when ceph admin-server is configured to use
This is how /etc/yum.repos.d/ceph looks like on my admin-node:
[ceph@ceph-mir-dmz-admin ceph-mir-dmz]$ cat /etc/yum.repos.d/c
y and
see what will happen ;)
Greetz from munich
Von: Simon Ironside [sirons...@caffetine.org]
Gesendet: Freitag, 23. Mai 2014 01:07
An: Lukac, Erik
Cc: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
Betreff: Re: [ceph-users] ceph deploy on rhel6.5 installs ceph from el6 an
Hi guys,
somehow this did not show up at ceph-commit. So I am trying here.
Is there anybody from Inktank who could fix my problem below?
Thanks in advance
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Lukac, Erik
Gesendet: Freitag, 23. Mai 2014 15:53
An: ceph-com...@ceph.com
Betreff: AW: unable
Hi Guys,
I am using ceph firefly on a three-node-cluster (all of them are
storage-servers AND monitors) with rhel 6.5. Right now I've updated ceph from
version from 0.80.2 to 0.80.3.
But during update something strange happened. After having updated node2 I
stopped ceph (osd and mon) on node 1.
i 2014 23:39
An: Lukac, Erik
Cc: ceph-us...@ceph.com
Betreff: Re: [ceph-users] strange errormessage while updating
This is just the output if it fails to connect to the first monitor it
tries (in this case, the one that isn't running). If you let it run
for a while it should time out after 15
Hi Guys,
me again.
In the documentation about adding/removing monitors (see here:
http://ceph.com/docs/master/rados/operations/add-or-rm-mons/ ) I've found
something which should be written somehow noob-safe.
I've used ceph version 0.80.2 on three rhel6.5 nodes.
At "Adding monitors" in Step 3
Hi Guys,
xfsprogs is missing in http://ceph.com/rpm-giant/rhel6/x86_64/
Unfortunately it is not avaivable in standard-rhel.
Could you please add it as in firefly AND update repodata?
Thanks in advance
Hi Guys,
RHEL6.6, which was released on Oct 14th this year is missing:
params= {
'test_repository_url_part': [
dict(distro="CentOS Linux", release='4.3', codename="Foo", output='el6'),
Hi Guys,
I am trying to install giant with puppet-cephdeploy but it fails at
"ceph-deploy gatherkeys NODEs". There are no keys generated.
This is my output of cephdeploy:
[ceph_deploy.mon][INFO ] Running gatherkeys...
[ceph_deploy.gatherkeys][DEBUG ] Checking ceph-203-1-public for
Hi there,
does anybody have an idea, how I can access my files created via librados
through the s3 gateway on my ceph-cluster?
Uploading via librados and then accessing via s3 seems to be impossible because
I only see a bunch of entries but not the files I uploaded.
The perfect solution would
Hi there,
me again
is there anybody who uses librados in java? It seems like my company would be
the first one who thinks about using it and if I (as a part of OPS-Team) cant
convince our DEV-Team to use librados and improve performance they'll use
radosgw :(
I'd like to know best p
Hi Greg,
wow, that was a fast answer! Thanks a lot!
Okay, I suspected that :(
Good night from Munic
Von: Gregory Farnum [g...@inktank.com]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2014 23:55
An: Lukac, Erik
Cc: ceph-us...@ceph.com
Betreff: Re: [ceph-users
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