Hi Cephalopods,
I'm in the process of migrating radosgw Erasure Code pool from old cluster
to Replica pool on new cluster. To avoid user write new object to old pool,
I want to set the radosgw user privilege to read only.
Could you guys please share how to limit radosgw user privilege to read
Hello everyone,
I am running a number of parallel benchmark tests against the cluster that
should be ready to go to production.
I enabled prometheus to monitor various information and while cluster stays
healthy through the tests with no errors or slow requests,
I noticed an apply / commit late
I'm starting with Nautilus and do create and delete some pools. When I
check with "ceph status" I find something weird with "pools" number
when tall pools have been deleted. I the meaning of "pools" number
different than Luminous? As there is no pool and PG, why there is
usage on "ceph status"
I guess this depends in your Cluster Setup... you have slow request also?
- Mehmet
Am 11. September 2019 12:22:08 MESZ schrieb Ansgar Jazdzewski
>we are running ceph version 13.2.4 and qemu 2.10, we figured out that
>on VMs with more than three disks IO fails with hung task timeout,
which mail servers i should to send? ceph-users@lists.ceph.com or
ceph-us...@ceph.io.I sent the same mail to ceph-us...@ceph.io yesterday.
But i can't find it in mail list sent to me today. I send it again.
we use openstack + ceph(hammer) in my production.There are 22 osds on a host
Is 4MB default RBD object size still relevant for BlueStore OSD? Any
guideline for best RBD object size for BlueStore OSD especially on high
performance media (SSD, NVME)?
Best regards,
ceph-users mailing list