Re: [ceph-users] [Luminous] rgw not deleting object

2017-09-10 Thread Andreas Calminder
Hi, I had a similar problem on jewel, where I was unable to properly delete objects eventhough radosgw-admin returned rc 0 after issuing rm, somehow the object was deleted but the metadata wasn't removed. I ran # radosgw-admin --cluster ceph object stat --bucket=weird_bucket --object=$OBJECT to f

Re: [ceph-users] [Ceph-maintainers] Ceph release cadence

2017-09-10 Thread Yehuda Sadeh-Weinraub
I'm not a huge fan of train releases, as they tend to never quite make it on time and it always feels a bit artificial timeline anyway. OTOH, I do see and understand the need of a predictable schedule with a roadmap attached to it. There are many that need to have at least a vague idea on what we'r

[ceph-users] RBD I/O errors with QEMU [luminous upgrade/osd change]

2017-09-10 Thread Nico Schottelius
Good morning, yesterday we had an unpleasant surprise that I would like to discuss: Many (not all!) of our VMs were suddenly dying (qemu process exiting) and when trying to restart them, inside the qemu process we saw i/o errors on the disks and the OS was not able to start (i.e. stopped in init

Re: [ceph-users] RBD I/O errors with QEMU [luminous upgrade/osd change]

2017-09-10 Thread Jason Dillaman
I presume QEMU is using librbd instead of a mapped krbd block device, correct? If that is the case, can you add "debug-rbd=20" and "debug objecter=20" to your ceph.conf and boot up your last remaining broken OSD? On Sun, Sep 10, 2017 at 8:23 AM, Nico Schottelius wrote: > > Good morning, > > yeste

Re: [ceph-users] RBD I/O errors with QEMU [luminous upgrade/osd change]

2017-09-10 Thread Nico Schottelius
Hello Jason, I think there is a slight misunderstanding: There is only one *VM*, not one OSD left that we did not start. Or does librbd also read ceph.conf and will that cause qemu to output debug messages? Best, Nico Jason Dillaman writes: > I presume QEMU is using librbd instead of a mapp

Re: [ceph-users] RBD I/O errors with QEMU [luminous upgrade/osd change]

2017-09-10 Thread Jason Dillaman
Sorry -- meant VM. Yes, librbd uses ceph.conf for configuration settings. On Sun, Sep 10, 2017 at 9:22 AM, Nico Schottelius wrote: > > Hello Jason, > > I think there is a slight misunderstanding: > There is only one *VM*, not one OSD left that we did not start. > > Or does librbd also read ceph.c

Re: [ceph-users] RBD I/O errors with QEMU [luminous upgrade/osd change]

2017-09-10 Thread Nico Schottelius
Just tried and there is not much more log in ceph -w (see below) neither from the qemu process. [15:52:43] server4:~$ /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -name one-17031 -S -machine pc-i440fx-2.1,accel=kvm,usb=off -m 8192 -realtime mlock=off -smp 6,sockets=6,cores=1,threads=1 -uuid 79845fca-9b26-4072-bc

[ceph-users] Cluster does not report which objects are unfound for stuck PG

2017-09-10 Thread Nikos Kormpakis
Hello people, after a series on events and some operational mistakes, 1 PG in our cluster is in active+recovering+degraded+remapped state, reporting 1 unfound object. We're running Hammer (v0.94.9) on top of Debian Jessie, on 27 nodes and 162 osds with the default crushmap and nodeep-scrub fla

Re: [ceph-users] Power outages!!! help!

2017-09-10 Thread hjcho616
It took a while.  It appears to have cleaned up quite a bit... but still has issues.  I've been seeing below message for more than a day and cpu utilization and io utilization is low... looks like something is stuck...  I rebooted OSDs several times when it looked like it was stuck earlier and i

Re: [ceph-users] cephfs(Kraken 11.2.1), Unable to write more file when one dir more than 100000 files, mds_bal_fragment_size_max = 5000000

2017-09-10 Thread
ZhengYan, I set "mds_bal_fragment_size_max = 10, mds_bal_frag = true", then I write 10 files named 512k.file$i, but there are still some file is missing. such as : [root@yj43959-ceph-dev cephfs]# find ./volumes/ -type f | wc -l 91070 From: Yan, Zheng Date:

[ceph-users] Ceph 12.2.0 on 32bit?

2017-09-10 Thread Dyweni - Ceph-Users
Hi, Is anyone running Ceph Luminous (12.2.0) on 32bit Linux? Have you seen any problems? My setup has been 1 MON and 7 OSDs (no MDS, RGW, etc), all running Jewel (10.2.1), on 32bit, with no issues at all. I've upgraded everything to latest version of Jewel (10.2.9) and still no issues.