> Can't you set the ACL on the object when you put it?
I could create two tenants. One tenant DATASETADMIN for read/write
access, and a tenant DATASETUSERS for readonly access.
When I load the dataset into the object store, I need a "s3cmd put"
operation and a "s3cmd setacl" operation for each ob
> While I'm usually not fond of blaming the client application, this is
> really the swift command line tool issue. It tries to be smart by
> comparing the md5sum of the object's content with the object's etag,
> and it breaks with multipart objects. Multipart objects is calculated
> differently (m
Anybody facing similar issue. Please share the solution.
Prabu GJ
On Wed, 11 May 2016 17:38:15 +0530 gjprabu
We are using ceph rbd with cepfs mounted file system, Here while use ant copy
task with in ceph shared direct
I am still working with the issue, however no success yet.
Any ideas would be helpful.
The problem is:
[ceph@ceph-client ~]$ ceph -s
cluster 65b8080e-d813-45ca-9cc1-ecb242967694
health HEALTH_OK
monmap e21: 5 mons at
On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 6:53 PM, wrote:
> Hey Dan,
> This is on Hammer 0.94.5. osd.52 was always on a problematic machine and when
> this happened had less data on its local disk than the other OSDs. I've tried
> adapting that blog post's solution to this situation to no avail.
Do you have
When I used "rbd resize" option for size shrink, the image/volume
lost its fs sectors and asking for "fs" not found...
I have used "mkf" option, then all data lost in it? This happens with
shrink option...
On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 5:28 PM, Christian Balzer wrote:
> Hello,
> On
Hi cephers,
I am wondering someone that familiar with function of rbd-mirror can
give me some hints.
There were 2 clusters site1 and site2. Both sites deployed by command
And there are the steps of my test. With Ubuntu 14.04(kernel 3.19).
1.) On site1 : Copy ceph.conf and ceph.cli
What exactly do you mean by log? As in a journal of the actions taken or
logging done by a daemon.
I'm making the same guess but I'm not sure what else I can try at this point.
The PG I've been working on actively reports it needs to probe 4 OSDs (the new
set and the old primary) which are all u
Hi Andrey,
You may change your cluster to a previous version of crush profile (e.g.
hammer) by command:
`ceph osd crush tunables hammer`
Or, if you want to only switch off the tunables5, do as the following steps
(not sure if there is a
simpler way :<)
1. `ceph osd getcrushmap -o crushmap`
2. `
Did you shrink the FS to be smaller than the target rbd size before
doing "rbd resize"?
El 12/05/16 a las 12:33, M Ranga Swami Reddy escribió:
When I used "rbd resize" option for size shrink, the image/volume
lost its fs sectors and asking for "fs" not found...
I have used "mkf" option, then
Suddenly some of our Infernalis OSD nodes are down with "kernel:BUG: soft
lockup" message. Nothing can do after that until rebooting. When I do
recovery by restarting the down OSDs, one by one while add additional OSDs
too, I get the same error again with on the same nodes. I'm not sure which
> Can't you set the ACL on the object when you put it?
What do you think of this bug ?
ceph-users mailing list
On 05/12/2016 08:00 AM, Lazuardi Nasution wrote:
Suddenly some of our Infernalis OSD nodes are down with "kernel:BUG:
soft lockup" message. Nothing can do after that until rebooting. When
I do recovery by restarting the down OSDs, one by one while add
additional OSDs too, I get the same
I am setting up a Jewel cluster in VMs with Ubuntu 16.04.
ceph version 10.2.0 (3a9fba20ec743699b69bd0181dd6c54dc01c64b9)
After a reboot the Ceph Monitors don't start and I have to do so manually.
Three machines, alpha, bravo and charlie all have the same problem.
root@charlie:~# systemctl
> Op 12 mei 2016 om 14:05 schreef Saverio Proto :
> > Can't you set the ACL on the object when you put it?
> What do you think of this bug ?
> https://github.com/s3tools/s3cmd/issues/743
Seems like a valid issue. That could make your situation easier.
> Saverio
On Thu, 12 May 2016, Wido den Hollander wrote:
> Hi,
> I am setting up a Jewel cluster in VMs with Ubuntu 16.04.
> ceph version 10.2.0 (3a9fba20ec743699b69bd0181dd6c54dc01c64b9)
> After a reboot the Ceph Monitors don't start and I have to do so manually.
> Three machines, alpha, bravo an
Can you post the contents of ceph-mon@.service file?
what does
systemctl is-enabled ceph-mon@charlie
However, this looks like it was just started at a bad moment and died - nothing
in logs?
> On 12 May 2016, at 14:44, Sage Weil wrote:
> On Thu, 12 May 2016, Wido den Hollander wro
To also answer Sage's question: No, this is a fresh Jewel install in a few test
VMs. This system was not upgraded.
It was installed 2 hours ago.
> Op 12 mei 2016 om 14:51 schreef Jan Schermer :
> Can you post the contents of ceph-mon@.service file?
Yes, here you go:
root@charlie:~# c
You must resize (reduce) a filesystem before shrinking a partition/disk.
Please search online how to do so with your specific filesystem/partitions.
El 12/05/16 a las 15:00, M Ranga Swami Reddy escribió:
Not done any FS shrink before "rbd resize". Please let me know what to
do with FS
On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 6:33 AM, Mika c wrote:
> 4.) Both sites installed "rbd-mirror".
> Start daemon "rbd-mirror" .
> On site1:$sudo rbd-mirror -m
> On site2:$sudo rbd-mirror -m
Assuming you use keep "ceph" as the local cluster name and u
What about systemctl is-enabled ceph-mon.target?
> On 12 May 2016, at 15:01, Wido den Hollander wrote:
> To also answer Sage's question: No, this is a fresh Jewel install in a few
> test VMs. This system was not upgraded.
> It was installed 2 hours ago.
>> Op 12 mei 2016 om 14
> Op 12 mei 2016 om 15:12 schreef Jan Schermer :
> What about systemctl is-enabled ceph-mon.target?
Just tried that, no luck either. There is simply no trace of the monitors
trying to start on boot.
> Jan
> > On 12 May 2016, at 15:01, Wido den Hollander wrote:
> >
> >
> > T
So systemctl is-enabled ceph-mon.target says "enabled" as well?
I think it should start then, or at least try
> On 12 May 2016, at 15:14, Wido den Hollander wrote:
>> Op 12 mei 2016 om 15:12 schreef Jan Schermer :
>> What about systemctl is-enabled ceph-mon.target?
> Ju
Btw try replacing
With: WantedBy=default.target
then systemctl daemon-reload.
See if that does the trick
I only messed with systemctl to have my own services start, I still hope it
goes away eventually... :P
> On 12 May 2016, at 15:01, Wido den Hollander wrote:
I'm trying to run monitors on a non-standard port and having trouble
connecting to them. The below shows the ceph client attempting to
connect to default port 6789 rather than 6788:
ceph --cluster testcluster status
2016-05-12 13:31:12.246246 7f710478c700 0 -- :/2044977896 >>
You have to shrink FS before RBD block! Now your FS is corrupt! :)
El 12/05/16 a las 15:41, M Ranga Swami Reddy escribió:
Used "resize2fs" and its working for resize to higher number (ie from
10G -> 20G) or so...
If I tried to resize the lower numbers (ie from 10G -> 5G), its
failied...with belo
Not done any FS shrink before "rbd resize". Please let me know what to
do with FS shink before "rbd resize"
On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 4:34 PM, Eneko Lacunza wrote:
> Did you shrink the FS to be smaller than the target rbd size before doing
> "rbd resize"?
> El 12/05/16 a las 12:33,
On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:29 AM, Saverio Proto wrote:
>> While I'm usually not fond of blaming the client application, this is
>> really the swift command line tool issue. It tries to be smart by
>> comparing the md5sum of the object's content with the object's etag,
>> and it breaks with multipa
Used "resize2fs" and its working for resize to higher number (ie from
10G -> 20G) or so...
If I tried to resize the lower numbers (ie from 10G -> 5G), its
failied...with below message:
ubuntu@swami-resize-test-vm:/$ sudo resize2fs /dev/vdb
sudo: unable to resolve host swami-resize-test-vm
Thanks a lot.
I tried
[ceph@ceph-client ~]$ ceph osd crush tunables hammer.
Now I have
[ceph@ceph-client ~]$ ceph osd crush show-tunables
"choose_local_tries": 0,
"choose_local_fallback_tries": 0,
"choose_total_tries": 50,
"chooseleaf_descend_once": 1,
On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 4:37 PM, Andrey Shevel wrote:
> Thanks a lot.
> I tried
> [ceph@ceph-client ~]$ ceph osd crush tunables hammer.
> Now I have
> [ceph@ceph-client ~]$ ceph osd crush show-tunables
> {
> "choose_local_tries": 0,
> "choose_local_fallback_tries": 0,
> "choo
you can use the pool quota feature to limit the usage of a particular pool.
ceph osd pool set-quota [max_objects ] [max_bytes
To remove a quota, set its value to 0.
> On May 11, 2016, at 19:49, Geocast Networks wrote:
> Hi,
> my ceph df output as following,
> # ceph
sure...checking the resize2fs before using the "rbd resize"...
On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 7:17 PM, Eneko Lacunza wrote:
> You have to shrink FS before RBD block! Now your FS is corrupt! :)
> El 12/05/16 a las 15:41, M Ranga Swami Reddy escribió:
>> Used "resize2fs" and its working
We have run into this same scenarios in terms of the long tail taking much
longer on recovery than the initial.
Either time we are adding osd or an osd get taken down. At first we have
max-backfill set to 1 so it doesn't kill the cluster with io. As time
passes by the single osd is performing the
You are marvelos ceph expert !
I did
[ceph@ceph-client ~]$ rbd feature disable mycephrbd
[ceph@ceph-client ~]$ sudo rbd map rbd/mycephrbd --id admin --keyfile
Also I added the recommended line in client ceph.c
I have installed a new ceph cluster with ceph-ansible (using the same version
and playbook that had worked before, with some necessary changes to variables).
The only major difference is that now an osd (osd3) has a disk twice as big as
the others, thus a different weight (check the crushmap exc
On Sun, May 8, 2016 at 11:57 PM, Robert Sander
> Am 29.04.2016 um 17:11 schrieb Robert Sander:
>> As the backfilling with the full weight of the new OSDs would have run
>> for more than 28h and no VM was usable we re-weighted the new OSDs to
>> 0.1. The backfilling finished after about 2h
On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 6:45 AM, Christian Sarrasin
> I'm trying to run monitors on a non-standard port and having trouble
> connecting to them. The below shows the ceph client attempting to connect
> to default port 6789 rather than 6788:
> ceph --cluster testcluster status
> 2016-05-12
Thanks Greg!
If I understood correctly, your suggesting this:
cd /etc/ceph
grep -v 'mon host' testcluster.conf > testcluster_client.conf
diff testcluster.conf testcluster_client.conf
< mon host = mona
ceph -c ./testcluster_client.conf --cluster testcluster status
no monitors specified to con
On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:42 PM, Christian Sarrasin
> Thanks Greg!
> If I understood correctly, your suggesting this:
> cd /etc/ceph
> grep -v 'mon host' testcluster.conf > testcluster_client.conf
> diff testcluster.conf testcluster_client.conf
> 4d3
> < mon host = mona
> ceph -c ./tes
Can you provide more details about exactly what you're doing, and
exactly how it fails?
On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:49 AM, gjprabu wrote:
> Hi
> Anybody facing similar issue. Please share the solution.
> Regards
> Prabu GJ
> On Wed, 11 May 2016 17:38:15 +0530 gjprabu wrote
I'm trying to setup a crush rule, and I was hoping you guys could clarify
something for me.
I have 4 storage nodes across 2 cabinets. (2x2)
I have the crush hierarchy setup to reflect this layout (as follows):
rack cabinet2 {
id -3 # do not change unnecessarily
# weigh
On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 2:36 PM, Stephen Mercier <
stephen.merc...@attainia.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to setup a crush rule, and I was hoping you guys could clarify
> something for me.
> I have 4 storage nodes across 2 cabinets. (2x2)
> I have the crush hierarchy setup to reflect this layout (a
Thank you very much for the thorough explanation. What you described was one of
the ways I was interpreting this.
Now, out of curiosity, if I did:
rule replicated_rack {
ruleset 0
type replicated
min_size 1
max_size 10
step take default
step choose
Also, when you say new enough for the overselection hack, how new are we
Stephen Mercier | Sr. Systems Architect
Attainia Capital Planning Solutions (ACPS)
O: (650)241-0567, 727 | TF: (866)288-2464, 727
stephen.merc...@attainia.com | www.attainia.com
On May 12, 2016, at 2:4
On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 2:54 PM, Stephen Mercier <
stephen.merc...@attainia.com> wrote:
> Thank you very much for the thorough explanation. What you described was
> one of the ways I was interpreting this.
> Now, out of curiosity, if I did:
> rule replicated_rack {
> ruleset 0
> type replicate
See title.
We have Firefly on the client side (SLES11SP3) and it does not seem to work
well with the "jewel" server nodes (CentOS 7)
Can somebody please provide some guidelines?
ceph-users mailing list
On Thu, 12 May 2016 07:57:07 -0700 LOPEZ Jean-Charles wrote:
> Hi
> you can use the pool quota feature to limit the usage of a particular
> pool.
Indeed, however if the pool reaches that quota, it blocks all writes, even
if the underlying storage still has plenty of space.
It would
On Thu, 12 May 2016 15:41:13 + Scottix wrote:
> We have run into this same scenarios in terms of the long tail taking
> much longer on recovery than the initial.
> Either time we are adding osd or an osd get taken down. At first we have
> max-backfill set to 1 so it doesn't kill th
FYI in my test I used osd_max_backfills = 10 which is hammer default.
Post hammer it's been changed to 1.
Thanks & Regards
-Original Message-
From: Christian Balzer [mailto:ch...@gol.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 10:40 PM
To: Scottix
Cc: Somnath Roy; ceph-users@lists.ceph.com;
So I got an odd error code 100 when upgrading my mons to Jewel on Ubuntu
Trusty using ceph-deploy.
After running an apt-get install ceph-deploy (which would install all other
ceph requirements) I noticed that the error from the apt-get was that that
there was a process already running as user "cep
On Fri, 13 May 2016 05:46:41 + Somnath Roy wrote:
> FYI in my test I used osd_max_backfills = 10 which is hammer default.
> Post hammer it's been changed to 1.
All my tests, experiences are with Firefly and Hammer.
Also FYI and possibly pertinent to this discussion, I just added a
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