I had several kernel mapped rbds as well as ceph-fuse mounted CephFS
clients when I upgraded from Jewel to Luminous. I rolled out the client
upgrades over a few weeks after the upgrade. I had tested that the client
use cases I had would be fine running Jewel connecting to a Luminous
cluster so ther
The VMs are XenServer VMs with virtual Disk saved at the NFS Server which has
the RBD mounted … So there is nor migration from my POV as there is no second
storage to migrate to ...
All your pain is self-inflicted.
Just FYI clients are not interrupted when you upgrade ceph. Client will
> Am 03.04.2018 um 13:31 schrieb Konstantin Shalygin :
>> and true the VMs have to be shut down/server rebooted
> Is not necessary. Just migrate VM.
The VMs are XenServer VMs with virtual Disk saved at the NFS Server which has
the RBD mounted … So there is nor migration from my PO
and true the VMs have to be shut down/server rebooted
Is not necessary. Just migrate VM.
ceph-users mailing list
Hi Robert,
> Am 29.03.2018 um 10:27 schrieb Robert Sander :
> On 28.03.2018 11:36, Götz Reinicke wrote:
>> My question is: How to proceed with the serves which map the rbds?
> Do you intend to upgrade the kernels on these RBD clients acting as NFS
> servers?
> If so you have to plan a
On 28.03.2018 11:36, Götz Reinicke wrote:
> My question is: How to proceed with the serves which map the rbds?
Do you intend to upgrade the kernels on these RBD clients acting as NFS
If so you have to plan a reboot anyway. If not, nothing changes.
Or are you using qemu+rbd in userspace
Hi, I bet I did read it somewhere already, but can’t remember where….
Our ceph 10.2. cluster is fin and healthy and I have a couple of rbds exported
to some fileserver and a nfs server.
The upgrade to V 12.2 documentation is clear regarding upgrading/restarting all
MONs first, after that, the O