On 06/11/2013 08:10 AM, Alvaro Izquierdo Jimeno wrote:
Hi all,
I want to connect an openstack Folsom glance service to ceph.
The first option is setting up the glance-api.conf with 'default_store=rbd' and
the user and pool.
The second option is defined in
& RBD Vs Glance & RadosGW
Hi all,
I want to connect an openstack Folsom glance service to ceph.
The first option is setting up the glance-api.conf with 'default_store=rbd' and
the user and pool.
The second option is defined in
Hi all,
I want to connect an openstack Folsom glance service to ceph.
The first option is setting up the glance-api.conf with 'default_store=rbd' and
the user and pool.
The second option is defined in
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/glance/+spec/ceph-s3-gateway (An OpenStack
installation tha