Thanks for the tip
For the record, I fixed it using radosgw-admin bucket check
--bucket= --check-objects --fix
On 10/09/2017 11:44, Andreas Calminder wrote:
> Hi,
> I had a similar problem on jewel, where I was unable to properly delete
> objects eventhough radosgw-admin returned rc 0 after issu
I had a similar problem on jewel, where I was unable to properly delete
objects eventhough radosgw-admin returned rc 0 after issuing rm, somehow
the object was deleted but the metadata wasn't removed.
I ran
# radosgw-admin --cluster ceph object stat --bucket=weird_bucket
to f
I face a wild issue: I cannot remove an object from rgw (via s3 API)
My steps:
s3cmd ls s3://bucket/object -> it exists
s3cmd rm s3://bucket/object -> success
s3cmd ls s3://bucket/object -> it still exists
At this point, I can curl and get the object (thus, it does exists)
Doing the same vi