Which configuration option determines the MDS timeout period?
William Lawton
From: Gregory Farnum
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 5:46 PM
To: William Lawton
Cc: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] MDS does not always failover to hot standby on reboot
Yes, this is a consequence
hey’ve been through their own election and a full mds timeout window.
On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 11:46 AM William Lawton
mailto:william.law...@irdeto.com>> wrote:
Thanks for the response Greg. We did originally have co-located mds and mon but
realised this wasn't a good idea early on and s
ee that will *prevent* it
from connecting to its own monitor if there are failures or reconnects after
first startup.
On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 8:38 AM William Lawton
mailto:william.law...@irdeto.com>> wrote:
We have a 5 node Ceph cluster (refer to ceph -s output at bottom of
, 1 up:standby-replay
osd: 4 osds: 4 up, 4 in
pools: 2 pools, 200 pgs
objects: 554 objects, 980 MiB
usage: 7.9 GiB used, 1.9 TiB / 2.0 TiB avail
pgs: 200 active+clean
client: 1.5 MiB/s rd, 810 KiB/s wr, 286 op/s rd, 218 op/s wr
Hope someone can he
osd: 4 osds: 4 up, 4 in
pools: 2 pools, 200 pgs
objects: 554 objects, 980 MiB
usage: 7.9 GiB used, 1.9 TiB / 2.0 TiB avail
pgs: 200 active+clean
client: 1.5 MiB/s rd, 810 KiB/s wr, 286 op/s rd, 218 op/s wr
William Lawton
e-election if the current MON leader is lost?
William Lawton
-Original Message-----
From: William Lawton
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2018 2:05 PM
To: 'John Spray'
Cc: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com; Mark Standley
Subject: RE: [ceph-users] Intermittent client reconnect delay
logs like the
Aug 1 10:39:06 dub-ditv-sim-goldenimage kernel: libceph: mon0
session lost, hunting for new mon
We're currently exploring whether keeping the mds and mon daemons on separate
servers has less impact on the client when either one is lost.
ount point for
a period of time and if so, how long should we consider an abnormal period.
William Lawton
-Original Message-
From: John Spray
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 11:17 AM
To: William Lawton
Cc: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com; Mark Standley
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Intermitt
.0 TiB avail
pgs: 200 active+clean
William Lawton
ceph-users mailing list