Hi --
I'm trying to remove a subuser but it's not removing the S3 keys when I
pass in --purge-keys.
First I create a sub-user:
$ radosgw-admin subuser create --uid=smason --subuser='smason:test' \
--access=full --key-type=s3 --gen-secret
"subusers": [
{ "id": "smason:test",
Are you expecting the tenant to provide the key? Also how many tenants are you
expecting to have? It seems like you're looking for per-object encryption and
not per OSD.
-Original Message-
From: ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com
[mailto:ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com] On Beha
Why not have the application encrypt the data or at the compute server's file
system? That way you don't have to manage keys.
On Mar 9, 2014, at 6:09 PM, "Mark s2c"
mailto:m...@stuff2cloud.com>> wrote:
Ceph is seriously badass, but my requirements are to create a cluster in which