[ceph-users] 3 monitor down and recovery

2017-04-05 Thread
Hello, I am simulating the recovery when all of our 3 monitors are down in our test environment. I refered to the Ceph mon troubleshoting document, but encourtered the problem that “OSD has the store locked”. I stop all the 3 mom, and plan to get the monmap from the OSDs. To get the monmap, the

[ceph-users] 2 of 3 monitors down and to recover

2017-02-09 Thread
Hey, I tried to simulate the failure of 2 monitors including their monmap, and to bring them up in my testing cluster. The ceph version is 10.2.5, the OS is REHL7.2, and the testing cluster has 3 nodes with 3 monitors and 24 osds, each node has 1 monitor and 8 osds. So, I stopped the 2 (the mon.a