[ceph-users] ceph orch upgrade stuck between 16.2.7 and 16.2.13

2023-08-15 Thread Robert Sander
Hi, A healthy 16.2.7 cluster should get an upgrade to 16.2.13. ceph orch upgrade start --ceph-version 16.2.13 did upgrade MONs, MGRs and 25% of the OSDs and is now stuck. We tried several "ceph orch upgrade stop" and starts again. We "failed" the active MGR but no progress. We set the debug lo

[ceph-users] Re: ceph orch upgrade stuck between 16.2.7 and 16.2.13

2023-08-15 Thread Eugen Block
Hi, literally minutes before your email popped up in my inbox I had announced that I would upgrade our cluster from 16.2.10 to 16.2.13 tomorrow. Now I'm hesitating. ;-) I guess I would start looking on the nodes where it failed to upgrade OSDs and check out the cephadm.log as well as syslog

[ceph-users] Re: ceph orch upgrade stuck between 16.2.7 and 16.2.13

2023-08-15 Thread Robert Sander
On 8/15/23 11:02, Eugen Block wrote: I guess I would start looking on the nodes where it failed to upgrade OSDs and check out the cephadm.log as well as syslog. Did you see progress messages in the mgr log for the successfully updated OSDs (or MON/MGR)? The issue is that there is no informatio

[ceph-users] Re: ceph orch upgrade stuck between 16.2.7 and 16.2.13

2023-08-15 Thread Robert Sander
On 8/15/23 11:16, Curt wrote: Probably not the issue, but do all your osd servers have internet access?  I've had a similar experience when one of our osd servers default gateway got changed, so it was just waiting to download and took a bit to timeout. Yes, all nodes can manually pull the im

[ceph-users] Re: v18.2.0 Reef released

2023-08-15 Thread Chris Palmer
I'd like to try reef, but we are on debian 11 (bullseye). In the ceph repos, there is debian-quincy/bullseye and debian-quincy/focal, but under reef there is only focal & jammy. Is there a reason why there is no reef/bullseye build? I had thought that the blocker only affected debian-bookworm

[ceph-users] Cephadm adoption - service reconfiguration changes container image

2023-08-15 Thread Iain Stott
Hi Everyone, We are looking at migrating all our production clusters from ceph-ansible to cephadm. We are currently experiencing an issue where when reconfiguring a service through ceph orch, it will change the running container image for that service which has led to the mgr services running a

[ceph-users] OSD containers lose connectivity after change from Rocky 8.7->9.2

2023-08-15 Thread Dan O'Brien
I recently updated one of the hosts (an older Dell PowerEdge R515) in my Ceph Quincy (17.2.6) cluster. I needed to change the IP address, so I removed the host from the cluster (gracefully removed OSDs and daemons, then removed the host). I also took the opportunity to upgrade the host from Rock

[ceph-users] Announcing go-ceph v0.23.0

2023-08-15 Thread Sven Anderson
We are happy to announce another release of the go-ceph API library. This is a regular release following our every-two-months release cadence. https://github.com/ceph/go-ceph/releases/tag/v0.23.0 The library includes bindings that aim to play a similar role to the "pybind" python bindings in the

[ceph-users] Re: ceph orch upgrade stuck between 16.2.7 and 16.2.13

2023-08-15 Thread Adam King
with the log to cluster level already on debug, if you do a "ceph mgr fail" what does cephadm log to the cluster before it reports sleeping? It should at least be doing something if it's responsive at all. Also, in "ceph orch ps" and "ceph orch device ls" are the REFRESHED columns reporting that t

[ceph-users] Re: Cephadm adoption - service reconfiguration changes container image

2023-08-15 Thread Adam King
you could maybe try running "ceph config set global container quay.io/ceph/ceph:v16.2.9" before running the adoption. It seems it still thinks it should be deploying mons with the default image ( docker.io/ceph/daemon-base:latest-pacific-devel ) for some reason and maybe that config option is why.

[ceph-users] User + Dev Monthly Meeting happening next week

2023-08-15 Thread Laura Flores
Hi everyone, The User + Dev Monthly Meeting is happening next week on* Thursday, August 24th* *@ 2:00 PM UTC *at this link: https://meet.jit.si/ceph-user-dev-monthly (Note that the date has been rescheduled from the original date, August 17th.) Please add any topics you'd like to discuss to the

[ceph-users] Multisite s3 website slow period update

2023-08-15 Thread Ondřej Kukla
Hello, I’ve had a quite unpleasant experience today that I would like to share. In our setup we use two set’s of RGW one that has only s3 and admin API and a second set with s3website and admin API. I was changing the global quota setting which means that I’ve then needed to commit the updated


2023-08-15 Thread tyler . jurgens
I did find this question: https://lists.ceph.io/hyperkitty/list/ceph-users@ceph.io/thread/XGLIXRMA5YUVG6P2W6WOQVTN4GJMX3GI/#XGLIXRMA5YUVG6P2W6WOQVTN4GJMX3GI Seems "ceph mgr fail" worked for me in this case. ___ ceph-users mailing list -- ceph-users@ceph.

[ceph-users] Ceph Tech Talk for August 2023: Making Tehthology Friendly

2023-08-15 Thread Mike Perez
Hi everyone, Join us tomorrow at 15:00 UTC to hear from our Google Summer of Code and Outreachy interns, Devansh Singh and Medhavi Singh, in this next Ceph Tech Talk on Making Teuthology Friendly. https://ceph.io/en/community/tech-talks/ If you want to give atechnicalpresentation for CephTechT

[ceph-users] [ceph v16.2.10] radosgw crash

2023-08-15 Thread Louis Koo
2023-08-15T18:15:55.356+ 7f7916ef3700 -1 *** Caught signal (Aborted) ** in thread 7f7916ef3700 thread_name:radosgw ceph version 16.2.10 (45fa1a083152e41a408d15505f594ec5f1b4fe17) pacific (stable) 1: /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x12ce0) [0x7f79da065ce0] 2: gsignal() 3: abort() 4: /lib64/libs