I fthink I igured this out. First, as I think I wrote earlier, these objects in
the ugly namespace begin with "<80>0_", and as such areĀ a "bucket log
index" fileĀ according to the bucket_index_prefixes[] in cls_rgw.cc.
These objects were multiplying, and caused the 'Large omap object' w
Ok, I've discovered a few more things.
None of the bucket index objects show up as type 'olh' in the bi list they are
all 'plain'. Since my objects begin with "<80>0_", this appears to be abucket
log index as per:
static std::string bucket_index_prefixes
in cls_rgw.cc.
One of these omapkey
Don't worry, I won't do something blind. Thanks for the info, I hadn't thought
to try --omap-key-file.
On Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 12:14:18 PM MDT, Dan van der Ster
Hi Chris,
Those objects are in the so called "ugly namespace" of the rgw, used to prefix
special bu
Hi Chris,
Those objects are in the so called "ugly namespace" of the rgw, used to
prefix special bucket index entries.
// No UTF-8 character can begin with 0x80, so this is a safe indicator
// of a special bucket-index entry for the first byte. Note: although
// it has no impact, the 2nd, 3rd, or