Another path that we have been investigating is to use some NVMe on the
database machine as a cache (bcache, cachefs, etc). Several TB of U.2
drives in a striped-LVM should enhance performance for 'hot' data and
cover for the issues of storing a large DB in Ceph.
Note that we haven't tried thi
Another option is to let PosgreSQL do the replication with local storage. There
are great reasons for Ceph, but databases optimize for this kind of thing
extremely well.
With replication in hand, run snapshots to RADOS buckets for long term storage.
> On Oct 17, 2020, at 7:28 AM, Gencer W. Gen
Marc Roos wrote:
> > In the past I see some good results (benchmark &
> > latencies) for MySQL and PostgreSQL. However, I've always used
> > 4MB object size. Maybe i can get much better
> > performance on smaller object size. Haven't tried actually.
> Did you tune mysql / postgres for thi
Yes, I had to tune some settings on PostgreSQL. Especially on:
synchronous_commit = off
I have a default RBD settings.
Do you have any recommendation?
On 19.10.2020 12:49:51, Marc Roos wrote:
> In the past I see some good results (benchmark & latencies) for MySQL
and PostgreS
> In the past I see some good results (benchmark & latencies) for MySQL
and PostgreSQL. However, I've always used
> 4MB object size. Maybe i can get much better performance on smaller
object size. Haven't tried actually.
Did you tune mysql / postgres for this setup? Did you have a default
After reading few sources, I decided to use dedicated NVMe Disk with native
replication. Those benchmarks and performances I was referred for internal use
only. Not much data stored there. I believe for production usages, it will
deliver more trouble than advantages.
On 17.
Hi Irek,
In the past I see some good results (benchmark & latencies) for MySQL and
PostgreSQL. However, I've always used 4MB object size. Maybe i can get much
better performance on smaller object size. Haven't tried actually.
Why are you not recommending this setup actually?
On 17.10.
Ceph for a transaction database bad solution from medium loads.
сб, 17 окт. 2020 г. в 16:29, Gencer W. Genç :
> Hi,
> I have an existing few RBDs. I would like to create a new RBD Image for
> PostgreSQL. Do you have any suggestions for such use cases? For example;
> Currently defaults ar