Hi all:
I had deployed a cluster with 3 mon,but only 2 of them is running, Does someone
can tell me how to fix this?
[root@storage1 ~]# ceph orch ls --service_name=mon --format yaml
service_type: mon
service_name: mon
label: mon
created: '2022-08-01T12:26:53.223648Z'
Hello everyone:
When user vstart to create a spek test cluster,I got this error:
2021-10-19T06:38:51.245+ 7f5a83323340 -1 auth: unable to find a keyring on
/root/ceph/build/dev/osd0/keyring: (2) No such file or directory
2021-10-19T06:38:51.245+ 7f5a83323340 -1 auth: unable to find a key