ke Put/PostObject, so i wouldn't recommend raising it as
> a workaround for copy
> this change really should have been mentioned in the release notes -
> apologies for that omission
> On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 10:58 AM Arvydas Opulskis
> wrote:
> >
> >
Hi all,
after upgrading our cluster from Nautilus -> Pacific -> Quincy we noticed
we can't copy bigger objects anymore via S3.
An error we get:
"Aws::S3::Errors::EntityTooLarge (Aws::S3::Errors::EntityTooLarge)"
After some tests we have following findings:
* Problems starts for objects bigger th
Hi, Cephers.
I would like to hear your ideas about strange situation we have in one of
our clusters.
It's Luminous 12.2.12 cluster. Recently we added 3 nodes with 10x SSD OSDs
to it and dedicated them to SSD pool for our OpenStack volumes. Initial
tests went well, IOPS were great, throughput was