Yes thanks
I used those commands.
Will see how is going.
Best regards
Il Dom 5 Mar 2023, 19:34 Wesley Dillingham ha
> In general it is safe and during long running remapping and backfill
> situations I enable it. You can enable it with:
> "ceph config set osd osd_scrub_during_recover
In general it is safe and during long running remapping and backfill
situations I enable it. You can enable it with:
"ceph config set osd osd_scrub_during_recovery true"
If you have any problems you think are caused by the change, undo it:
Stop scrubs asap:
"ceph osd set nodeep-scrub"
"ceph osd
can you paste the exact command of your upgrade attempt? It looks like
„stop“ is supposed to be the image name? An upgrade usually starts
with the MGR, then MONs and then OSDs, does ‚ceph versions‘ reflect
that some of the OSDs were upgraded successfully? Do you have logs
from the fai