On behalf of Andrea Graziadei:
Dear all,
the structural proteomics unit of the National Facility for Structural Biology
of Human Technopole is looking for a technician!
If you’re interested in proteomics, mass spectrometry and structural (systems)
biology, please consider applying!
The St
Postdoctoral scholarship (2 years) within Structural Biology of Switchable
Proteins from Directed Evolution
The Magnus Wolf-Watz laboratory has an opening for a two-year postdoctoral
scholarship. We are searching enthusiastic candidates that will focus on
structure determination and mechanistic
Dear All,
I would like to draw your attention to the following opportunity.
Best wishes,
*A permanent research scientist position is due to open soon at the
Micalis institute (Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE)*
Our research institute MICALIS (UMR1319 INRAE, Université Paris