This is a REFMAC bug; now fixed I believe.. at least in version 82 and
You can download it from Garibs web site..
Jan Abendroth wrote:
Hi all,
I am trying to follow good practices and keep my set of free reflections
between data sets, eg. in this case between an in-house low
Dear Bart and Howard,
let's assume that the paper is novel. Without asking
too much, however, I think it would be fair to ask
why they used a homology model for molecular
replacement, when they claimed successful structure
solution two years ago.
Also, since they claim successful structure solut
Thanks a lot, Garib,
as always, there is a new version of refmac just out that fixes all the
2009/2/26 Garib Murshudov
> I think we have fixed this problem just recently. The problem was related
> with refmac not being able to pick correct dataset from mtz. IF there was
> o
Hi all,
I am trying to follow good practices and keep my set of free reflections
between data sets, eg. in this case between an in-house low resolution and a
synchrotron high resolution data set. High resolution data from hkl2000 were
imported through the ccp4i task, keeping the low resolution Free