I’ve come up with a work-around for both problems. The problem with the tRNA
file, I countered by using that pdb file as the fixed file, and so got round
the need to write out a rotated pdb file (it still did not write out the output
file, even though the rmsd was 0!).
The second prob
yes - I see that but when I run lsqkab on your two coordinate sets lsqkab
works OK.
Here is the command file - i made a guess on what to match..
Hmm - when I try to read Therm_tRNA into the CCP4I2 GUI it says
Cordinate file failed vaildation test!
Not sure what that test is but will ask around..
On 10 September 2018 at 12:15, Carter, Charlie wrote:
> Eleanor,
> I’ll check into the tRNA TER cards. I have probably experienced
> diffi
Of Eleanor
> > Dodson
> > Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 12:03
> > Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] unexpected errors in LSQKAB
> >
> > Eugenere - are you responsible for mmdb? Could these features cause
> > problems?
> > Eleanor
> &g
> -Original Message-
> From: CCP4 bulletin board On Behalf Of Eleanor
> Dodson
> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 12:03
> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] unexpected errors in LSQKAB
> Eugenere - are you responsible for mmdb? Could these feature
Eugenere - are you responsible for mmdb? Could these features cause
The PDB file Thern_tRNA has some anomalies -
1) several unneeded TER cards
TER 399 LYS A 52 - there is a chain break here but not a chain
TER3219 GLY A 421
TER3343 GT