csymmatch pdbin-ref my_favorite.pdb pdbin the-other.pdb -origin-hand
This should move the-other.pdb to overlay my-favorite.pdb
It WONT relabel the Chain IDs though..
On 12/13/2011 04:26 AM, intekhab alam wrote:
Hi All
I have a 3.0A dataset of a protein-protein complex. I used one of
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Dear ,
Can you clearify what you mean by the sentence
"when i tried to use the MR solution generated in phenix with the mtz
file from ccp4 the model shows a lot of clashes"?
I do not understand what you need the mtz file for in order the check
Hi All
I have a 3.0A dataset of a protein-protein complex. I used one of the
protein structure solved previously as a template and used phaser in CCP4
as well as in phenix. I used the sca file in phenix which gave a solution
with 6 monomers in ASU which are packed as a hexamer. In ccp4 phaser i us