In Coot, you can "beam in an xxx" where xxx in this case is an
"acetate" using
File -> Search Monomer Library
Text: "acetate"
Click Search
Click "ACT: Acetate ion"
You can then Use Copy Molecule on this monomer and "Move molecule" to
move the copies to where you want them and use "Merge Molecu
Hi Sam,
Ideally, with the R factor you are at, you should be able to build these
residues in, using Coot/Ono/xtalview and then refine with shelxl.
If you want to go to shelxl straightaway, you might want to refine res
9-86 as one chain and res 94-last residues as another.
I guess you could mutate a
I would appreciate few things for my protein structure. Data is 1.5A.
This protein is of 400 residues. 2 molecule in the asymm unit.
Missing residues are : N-terminal 8 residues, C-terminal 5 residues and in
the middle residues 87-93.
Final R(working) = 21% after refmac refinement. Some (not a