Just a quick reminder, those of you who forgot about the "deadline"
for submitting some nice crystallography related pictures it will be
extended until March 9th.
I've received some really nice pictures and rendered images so far,
keep sending more.
2 per person, just as a reminder.
2009, at 7:34 AM, Jürgen Bosch wrote:
Hi all,
let me see your pictures. I'll prepare a CCP4BB
Screensaver for Win(we'll see) & Mac (guaranteed).
Each individual may send two of his/her best pictures related to
crystallography, you must have either a) the permission to distribut
Hi all,
let me see your pictures. I'll prepare a CCP4BB
Screensaver for Win(we'll see) & Mac (guaranteed).
Each individual may send two of his/her best pictures related to
crystallography, you must have either a) the permission to distribute
this picture or b) be the owner of it