On 09/27/2011 09:55 AM, David Veesler wrote:
Hi François,
Chainsaw should do the job for you if you input a clustal alignment.
Thanks! I'm happy I asked. I'll give a try at chainsaw.
Hope to not cut one of my fingers during the process...
Le 26 sept. 2011 à 17:44, Francois Beren
Hi François,
Chainsaw should do the job for you if you input a clustal alignment.
Le 26 sept. 2011 à 17:44, Francois Berenger a écrit :
> Hello,
> I have one bound complexe (a ligand + a protein in holo conformation).
> I also have the apo structure for a very similar protein.
I have one bound complexe (a ligand + a protein in holo conformation).
I also have the apo structure for a very similar protein.
Is there a tool to create a new PDB, whose coordinates are
taken from the holo structure but residue names and numbers
are taken from the alo structure (by look