> To:
> Subject: [ccp4bb] protein solubility predictions
> Dear ccp4
> Apologies for the off topic question. I was wondering whether anyone could
> suggest a good tool or methodology to use to predict protein solubility and
> ability to fold from the sequence? I a
Hi Careina,
If your protein is expressed in E. coli, you can have a prediction of its
solubility on this website: http://biotech.ou.edu
Hope it helps!
Alberto Manfrin
From: Careina Edgooms
Reply-To: Careina Edgooms
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:22:44 -0800
Subject: [ccp4bb] protein
Dear ccp4
Apologies for the off topic question. I was wondering whether anyone could
suggest a good tool or methodology to use to predict protein solubility and
ability to fold from the sequence? I am working with a large protein of
multiple domains. I would like to work with as close to the fu