Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 5:32 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] phenix refinement peptide bond poor geometry
Dear all,
I'm about to deposit a structure into the protein data bank and I'm
encountering a disturbing problem, I have a protein site where the
Hi Mohd,
- if it is a regular peptide bond then they are linked automatically and
this problem should never happen, otherwise there must be something not
right with your input PDB file.
- check in .geo file if this particular bond is restrained;
If you send me (and not to the whole bb) the P
Dear all,
I'm about to deposit a structure into the protein data bank and I'm
encountering a disturbing problem, I have a protein site where the
peptide bond is not properly linked, the distance of C-N bond is 2.23
Angstrom, I tried to restrain that site by modifying my def file but the
problem p