Isn't it simply FSC? Then according to Wikipedia the citation goes back
even further, 1986 !
On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 2:06 PM, Randy Read wrote:
> Hi,
> Bart Hazes' sftools program does map correlation in resolution shells in
> this way, and may even have been doing it before 1996 if I'm
Bart Hazes' sftools program does map correlation in resolution shells in this
way, and may even have been doing it before 1996 if I'm remembering correctly.
On 27 Jan 2015, at 21:12, Alexandre OURJOUMTSEV wrote:
> Dear Phil,
> Gerard Bricogne pointed out a long time ago that the
Dear Phil,
Gerard Bricogne pointed out a long time ago that the clearest comparison
between two sets of phases is the complex correlation coefficient between two
"best" structure factors ( m F exp(i phi) ) - this is equivalent to map
correlation, but can be analysed in resolution bins.
I'm not
On 27 Jan 2015, at 20:25, James Holton wrote:
… snip
> Now you can ask questions about the phase shift. The problem with phases is
> that the phase of weak reflections doesn't really matter because they don't
> contribute to the map. Also, poorly-measured phases get low FOM weights in
> map
The papers you are looking for are:
Crick FHC & Magdoff BS (1956)."The theory of the method of isomorphous
replacement for protein crystals. I", Acta Crystallogr. 9, 901-908.
Magdoff BS & Crick FHC (1955)."Ribonuclease II. Accuracy of measurement
Obviously it depends on degree of isomorphism - the Riso plot from
SCALEPACK gives you a measure..
It would be hard to sort out phase change due to non-isomorphism v phase
change from error - in measurements, substructure, etc
But a practical guide - when doing phase extension from a SAD set of p
Hi all - anybody know the answer, or can tell me where to look:
Regarding that oft-stated rule-of-thumb from the 60s (Blow? Crick?),
that a 1% change in cell parameters causes a 3% change in intensities:
is there an equivalent statement to be made about how phases change with
increasing non-i