Thanks for clarifying the situation. I have one other suggestion you can
think about based on your description of a "monomeric hybrid." Since you
are mutating your original yeast protein sequence to human/yeast
chimeras, you could directly model the mutations in Rosetta and skip the
Thanks to all who responded to my question regarding the energetics of a
known interface applied to orthogolous dimers.
Steven Darnell asked me for some clarifications. I have the structure
of a homodimer, defined the dimerization interface and substituted the
residues at said interface with
Here's my $0.02. Would you mind clarifying a few things for me?
I am working on (the theoretical side of) a protein complex whose
structure has been solved. The protein homo-dimerizes, mediated
primarily by two long helices.
So you have a structure of a homodimer...
Using sequenc
Hey there,
I am working on (the theoretical side of) a protein complex whose
structure has been solved. The protein homo-dimerizes, mediated
primarily by two long helices.
Using sequencing alignment and the WHAT IF server, I built monomeric
hybrid models containing the bulk of the known str