Very easy way is the Swiss-Model server via the alignment mode
Good luck
On 4 Mar, 2010, at 0:59, Brett, Thomas wrote:
Dear all:
I am trying to create a homology model of a coiled-coil for use in
molecular replacement. I have a template poly-ala coiled coil that
I like to use, so that
>I am trying to create a homology model of a coiled-coil for use in
molecular >replacement. I have a template poly-ala coiled coil that I like
to use, so that is fine. >I want to thread my sequence onto the helix and am
trying to find a server/easy >program that will do this.
As a starting point
Dear all:
I am trying to create a homology model of a coiled-coil for use in molecular
replacement. I have a template poly-ala coiled coil that I like to use, so that
is fine. I want to thread my sequence onto the helix and am trying to find a
server/easy program that will do this. I want to use