Do the following.
1) Perform density modification (NCS averaging and solvent flattening)
2) Run the new phases through a model building program (Buccaneer works for all
resolutions, Arp/wArp works well for better than ~2.7 Å or better resolution)
If this doesn’t give you a better quality model (
R=50% at a resolution of 2.2 Å is a lot different to 50% at, say, 3.5 Å
resolution. What happens if you refine it at 3.0 or 3.5 Å ?
What's the model vs sequence % identity ?
Phil Jeffrey
On 11/17/17 3:23 PM, Yue Li wrote:
Dear all,
I have several datasets (one best resolution rea
Dear all,
I have several datasets (one best resolution reaching 2.2A), giving C2 space
group, two molecules in an asymmetry unit (65.1% of solvent content). When
running MR using a template (<20% sequence identify to the target molecule), I
got a solution with high TFZ (23.7) and LLG (842). How