Subject: [ccp4bb] ccp4 6.0.99e test release -problems with xplot84driver
on 64bit ubuntu
Sorry for resending this message but I may have sent it to the wrong
address the first time
Hello ccp4-ers
I have been happily running ccp4-6.0.99e, which I self compiled on an
Ubuntu 64bit ( Version 8.04
Sorry for resending this message but I may have sent it to the wrong address
the first time
Hello ccp4-ers
I have been happily running ccp4-6.0.99e, which I self compiled on an
Ubuntu 64bit ( Version 8.04) box
Things have been going smoothly till I noticed a segmentation fault when I
tried to ge
Hello ccp4-ers
I have been happily running ccp4-6.0.99e, which I self compiled on an
Ubuntu 64bit ( Version 8.04) box
Things have been going smoothly till I noticed a segmentation fault when I
tried to get a postscript file using xplot84driver .
The binary run from a shell and the ccp4i gui give
Dear All
the latest test version is on the ccp4 ftp server.<- core ccp4,
rapper, clipper <- cctbx and