Re: [ccp4bb] acedrg error in gui, command line only cif no pdb output

2024-11-15 Thread Martin Malý
PS: CIF can be converted to PDB easily using (for instance) gemmi: $ gemmi convert OEX.cif OEX.pdb All available options can be listed using: $ gemmi convert -h Be aware that an output PDB file will have issues for 5-letter-code monomers as the PDB format can accommodate only monomer codes up to

Re: [ccp4bb] acedrg error in gui, command line only cif no pdb output

2024-11-14 Thread Martin Malý
Dear Guenter, The old CCP4i interface is not supported. Please try to use AceDRG in CCP4i2 or CCP4Cloud or run it from command line. There have been actually many changes in the last years related to ligands in general (e.g. monomer codes with 5 characters, necessity of the mmCIF file format,

Re: [ccp4bb] acedrg error in gui, command line only cif no pdb output

2024-11-14 Thread Fei Long
Dear Guenter, Acedrg has stopped producing the final output files of pdb format since CCD/PDB introduced 5-letter ligand code, because pdb format could not handle with that. However, it seems there are still strong requests for the output pdb files, acedrg will produce pdb files when the ligan

[ccp4bb] acedrg error in gui, command line only cif no pdb output

2024-11-13 Thread Guenter Fritz
Dear all, I have a strange acedrg error. I usually run via command line for a set of smiles. If I run it from command line, the job runs, but acedrg writes only a cif and not a pdb anymore. If I run acedrg from the gui (ccp4i old gui) I get for any input (smiles or cif) an error: ..