Betreff: [ccp4bb] Unknown Ligand Density
Dear CCP4bb,
I am refining a structure and have come across strong electron density for an
unknown ligand (image attached). Would someone be able to identify this unknown
ligand that somehow was co-purified with the protein.
The electron density shape does not
Flying spaghetti monster. Ramen!
Sorry. Could not resist.
"...touched by His Noodly Appendage"
On Jun 14, 2017 12:51 PM, "Nick Thomas" wrote:
Dear CCP4bb,
I am refining a structure and have come across strong electron density for
an unknown ligand (image attached). Wou
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> *From:* CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Nick
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From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Nick Thomas
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 11:39 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Unknown Ligand Density
Dear CCP4bb,
I am refining a structure and have
It helps to see the environment of the blob, and to know what the
resolution is - this *looks* like mid-range resolution (like maybe 2.4A)
but because there is no reference in the image the size can be very
misleading. Also, contour levels are good to know. Basically, more
Hello all,
I have a structure of my protein at 1.3 Ang. There is a clear density in the
binding site but I can't seem to figure out what the ligand is. The
crystalization conditions contain PEG, sulfate, TMAO and acetate buffer. The
protein was purified by a Ni-NTA column and went into phosphate