jennifer Binning
Wed, Jun 5, 3:50 PM (16 hours ago)
to ccp4bb
Dear all,
A postdoctoral position is currently available in my lab at the Moffitt
Cancer Center in Tampa, FL. The research project is focused on
understanding how Human Papillomavirus (HPV) hijacks cellular
ubiquitination complexes
I would like to see the electron density map (2Fo-FC, Fo-Fc, omit map) for
ligands on 2-fold symmetry in protein structure. If any of you can send some
images I will appreciate it.
Debasish Chattopadhyay, Ph.D.
University of Alabama at Birmingham
For what it is worth, SHELXL sets the S-H distance to 1.20A. As with other
bonds to hydrogen, this allows for apparent shortening to fit the electron
distribution and also librational effects. An S-H distance determined by
neutron diffraction would be longer.
Prof. George M. Sheldrick F
Auftrag von Juergen J.
Gesendet: Montag, 20. August 2007 15:31
Betreff: [ccp4bb] Posting again: Is the H-bond length in CYS.cif library
Dear all,
using refmac5 to provide H-atoms for a known protein structure the distance
between CYS-CG and HG is defined to
I think Garib or Alexei must answer this and they are both on holiday
till the end of August
juergen J. Mueller wrote:
Dear all,
using refmac5 to provide H-atoms for a known protein structure the
distance between CYS-CG and HG is defined to 1.34 Ang. in CYS.cif.
This distance has been
Dear all,
using refmac5 to provide H-atoms for a known protein structure the
distance between CYS-CG and HG is defined to 1.34 Ang. in CYS.cif.
This distance has been critisiced by a non-CCP4 program
* Poor covalent bond length of 1.33954 for hydrogen atom HG.
In an other library-file CSH.cif