It seems not so long ago that people were interested not only in stereo
graphics, but also in research into interactive gloves etc. for maximal
virtual reality in manipulating protein structures, "feeling" forces,
To simulate depth by rendering solvent accessible surfaces with shadows
and ref
PROTECTED] On Behalf Of david lawson
Sent: 21 June 2007 09:12
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Popularity of Stereo graphics in crystallography
I haven't used stereo since the last millenium - I don't miss it. You don't
really need it and it's not worth t
nt: 20 June 2007 20:27
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Popularity of Stereo graphics in crystallography
I've found that many of my undergraduates like the stereo capability, although
I personally rarely use it. So I guess it's worth the pain of getting the
stereo ha
P Hubbard wrote:
Thanks for the e-mail. The current results of the survey would certainly
put you in the minority! Stereo graphics are not dead after all.
I have used systems with and without stereo graphics. I personally
prefer them, and think they are great for helping newbies refine, an
bulletin board [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Santarsiero,
Bernard D.
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Popularity of Stereo graphics in crystallography
I agree with Kevin. We have stereo on about half of our workstations, and no
one h
I agree with Kevin. We have stereo on about half of our workstations, and
no one has used them in about three years. We typically use "O".
Also, we have three large servers which are relatively fast. So the main
purpose of a workstation is building, not computing here. That way you can
easily work
Personally I don't really care if I have a stereo setup or not. I
have not really used stereo to build in probably 3-4 years. The
majority of the users of my facility on the other hand really want
stereo. Usually in the initial and final stages of building and
analysis. It is
Thanks for the e-mail. The current results of the survey would certainly put
you in the minority! Stereo graphics are not dead after all.
I have used systems with and without stereo graphics. I personally prefer
them, and think they are great for helping newbies refine, and for