I give MOLREP am input mtz with space group R32:H or R32 or H32
(entered as R32:H)
But MOLREP claims the SG is
default_PST_limit : 0.250 of origin peak
PST will not be used.
If you like to use PST, use keyword PST = Y
* Space group : H 3*
No: 146 Sett: 2
Cell: 185.73
Dear all,
Recently, I used MOLREP to molecular replacement.
My OS is fedora 14 and CCP4 version is the newest one ccp4-6.2.0 .
When I run a pdb file and mtz by MOLREP without input fixed model, everything
is right.
However, when I run it by MOLREP when using "input fixed model".
The e