A further note on assembly search: since April the RCSB PDB offers
structure search for assemblies. See the "Structure Similarity" section in
https://www.rcsb.org/search/advanced. This works only for PDB-deposited
structures but we are working on making it available for 3D coordinates
submitted by
Dear All
Many thanks to Johann for the suggestion of Topsearch - rather pleasingly our
tetramer is novel in the tetrameric arrangement, but each of the dimers has its
DNA recognition helices in agreement with several hits 😊a win all round
Bringing joy to my lockdown.
at, https://topsearch.services.came.sbg.ac.at/
> Best,
> Hans
> *Von:* CCP4 bulletin board *Im Auftrag von *Andrew
> Lovering
> *Gesendet:* Sonntag, 21. Juni 2020 10:51
> *Betreff:* Re: [ccp4bb] Looking for method to find si
Topsearch does that, https://topsearch.services.came.sbg.ac.at/
Von: CCP4 bulletin board Im Auftrag von Andrew Lovering
Gesendet: Sonntag, 21. Juni 2020 10:51
Betreff: Re: [ccp4bb] Looking for method to find similar oligomeric arrangement
Thanks Boaz for
Thanks to all of you pointing me towards ProtCID, but unless I'm mistaken this
works only for deposited co-ordinates / PDB entries?
I was more looking for something that would take my (yet to be deposited) PDB
file, with its inherent tetrametric hth fold, and find similar folds in similar
Hi Andy,
Are you familiar with ProtCID?
Might be relevant.
On Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 12:02 AM Andrew Lovering
> Dear colleagues,
> I have a structure of a simple, common fold (hth, dna-binding) that I
> believe has oligomerize
Thanks Boaz for the SSM heads up. I was much too DALI-centric!
One last point, if anyone can offer an opinion - I presume most methods will
match but only within ASU contents.
Does any approach utilize deposited "biological unit" classification or (better
still) crystallographic symmetry oper
You can try the SSM from the pdbe tools, also described in Krissinel and Henrick (2004), Acta D63, 366-380. It worked for us nicely on a similar problem of a dimeric structure.
Boaz Shaanan, Ph.D.
Department of Life Sciences
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Beer Sheva
Dear colleagues,
I have a structure of a simple, common fold (hth, dna-binding) that I believe
has oligomerized in a different way to that observed for any members of the
superfamily that I can reasonably analyze.
So if I run fold comparison analysis (e.g. DALI) it will find similar