Re: [ccp4bb] How to calculate Molecular weight of protein_reg

2018-12-28 Thread mesters
With DLS you can measure the hydrodynamic radius (Rh) of your protein which will depend on many things such as viscosity of the medium, shape of the molecule, etc. Stokes-Einstein law is used for the estimation of Rh. Normally the maschine parameters are set for a fairly globular ("round") and

[ccp4bb] How to calculate Molecular weight of protein_reg

2018-12-27 Thread amala mathimaran
Kindly answer this How to calculate the molecular weight of protein samples using DLS analysis Size distribution by intensity The purified protein was subjected to DLS - scattering light intensity analysis (Horiba nanoparticle analyzer sz-100) and the Z average result was 71.6nm. from this result