Re: [ccp4bb] Filament lifetime on Rigaku Micromax007

2007-03-01 Thread Kevin Jude
I use a multimeter from Radioshack (catalog number 22-812) that can record this data on a PC via a serial connection. Presumably by now there is a similar device with a USB connection. Publishing the resulting text file on the web would be effortless on a *nix machine, but I'm not sure how to do

Re: [ccp4bb] Filament lifetime on Rigaku Micromax007

2007-03-01 Thread Ingo P. Korndoerfer
hi ... there is very likely a correlation between quality of the vacuum and filament lifetime. it had been recommended to us to monitor the vacuum continuously on the rigaku ru300 (?) generators we had at the time. this was fairly easy by just plugging a left over plotter from an old chromatograp

Re: [ccp4bb] Filament lifetime on Rigaku Micromax007

2007-02-28 Thread Peng Zhang
Dear Pat and friends, Our lab has a ultraX18 5.4kw x-ray generator, and the lifetime of the filament is more than 1000 hours before rigaku recalled and changed the vacuum pump. I noticed that the lifetime is really related with the the vacuum. Ideally it is below 0.1mpa and the lifetime can be lon

Re: [ccp4bb] Filament lifetime on Rigaku Micromax007

2007-02-28 Thread Mark Agacan
Dear Pat, I too am shocked by the extra-long lifetimes the current batch of MM filaments have. I've had filaments in both our instruments (a M007 and an M007 hf) since August and they are still going strong. Not long ago I would replace a filament before it blew if I knew there was an importan

[ccp4bb] Filament lifetime on Rigaku Micromax007

2007-02-28 Thread Patrick Bryant
Dear Colleagues, During more than three years of operation, I have recorded considerable difference in filament lifetimes on my Micromax007: roughly in the range 500-2000hrs. Some of this may be accounted for by poor manufacture and Rigaku have, in the past, noticed this problem and replaced so