Hi everyone,
Many Thanks for your suggestions !! I checked for the everything related to
the components i am using : No contamination, not very old, no PEGs etc.
And then i followed the way Markov and Prem suggested !! For a trial set up
i just et up 10 different concentration variations of my pre
> On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 8:22 PM, Monica Mittal
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I need an advice on some strange thing happening to one of the protein i
>> am working on. I used to purify it and set up trays and get some needle
>> shaped crystals and trying seeding and other methods to optimis
It happened with me also, thought I had not the needles but the crystals.
Temperature matters a lot in these situations, leave the trays unattended
for long and also try with various concentration. Make it highest say 15
mg/ml and dilute serially to set with a range of concentrations. Sometime
Hi everyone,
I need an advice on some strange thing happening to one of the protein i am
working on. I used to purify it and set up trays and get some needle shaped
crystals and trying seeding and other methods to optimise them. But
recently, it stopped giving crystals even small needles. I am sti