Re: [ccp4bb] Coot and symmetry-related waters.

2019-05-01 Thread Jonathan Cooper
Many thanks to all who replied. The best scheme seems to be to add the new waters into the main molecule and then make use of the options to renumber them and change the chain ID later on. This has the added advantage of avoiding the situation where, if you are not careful with the 'Place atom

Re: [ccp4bb] Coot and symmetry-related waters.

2019-05-01 Thread Tim Gruene
Dear Jon, when you place an atom at the screen pointer, there is no symmetry that Coot would be able to use. You need to tell Coot. One way is to merge it with an existing molecule that has a valid symmetry description. Another way is to create a separate PDB file with the symmetry of your choi

Re: [ccp4bb] Coot and symmetry-related waters.

2019-04-30 Thread Eugene Osipov
Jonathan, when you add a water molecule through "Place atom at Pointer..." change the default option at the bottom of the popup window from "New molecule" to your protein molecule. In this way water molecule will be placed directly into your protein model and will be visible in symmetry mates. вт,

Re: [ccp4bb] Coot and symmetry-related waters.

2019-04-30 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Not a solution to your problem - just a way to avoid it.. I always put the waters into the original file - you can always delete them or change the occupancy if there is a clash.. Eleanor On Tue, 30 Apr 2019 at 21:21, Jonathan Cooper <> wrote: > One t

[ccp4bb] Coot and symmetry-related waters.

2019-04-30 Thread Jonathan Cooper
One thing I have wondered about Coot is when you add new waters into the structure and these go into a molecule called 'Pointer Atoms...', I have never worked out how to get the symmetry mates of these newly inserted waters to appear unless I eventually merge them into the same pdb file as the p