[ccp4bb] CCP4/SPring-8 workshop 1-6 October 2018

2018-07-06 Thread Ballard, Charles (STFC,RAL,CSE)
Dear All I am pleased to announce the second CCP4/Spring-8 (RIKEN) workshop running from 1-6 October 2018. This workshop will cover data collection, processing and structure solution. Details are available at http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/schools/Japan-2018 , with more to follow. Registration is on

[ccp4bb] CCP4/SPring-8 workshop

2016-11-22 Thread Charles Ballard
Dear All just a reminder that there will be a CCP4 workshop at SPring-8, Japan, from 23-27 January next year. The workshop will cover the structure solution process, consisting of lectures, tutorials and problem solving sessions. Lectures include Garib Murshudov on refinement, Phil Evans on s