Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Biorad Profinia vs GE AKTAPrime Plus, for affinity
tagged proteins
Thanks for your response, Edward. Yes, that is what I thought. For the most
part, people plan to tag their proteins in my lab. I'll possi
We've been using Bio-Rad biologic duoflow FPLCs for over 5 years (we have 4
of them on site). They can also handle abuse and cold room storage. Their
hardware and software are user-friendly. It seems the Profinia system is
geared toward simpler purifications.
You really don't need much of a system to do just
affinity purification, so almost anything would be workable unless you
are doing really high throughput work. On the other hand, if you need
to do traditional protein purification (IEX, HIC, GEC), which would
include untagged proteins, and polis
Thanks for your response, Edward. Yes, that is what I thought. For the most
part, people plan to tag their proteins in my lab. I'll possibly be the only
one purifying non-tagged proteins in my lab. I love the AKTA. Another was
all praise of the Profinia. To my knowledge, tagged proteins don't alway
Dear all,
My lab is looking into buying a protein purification system. The AKTA is
more versatile, but does anyone know if the Profinia is in any way superior
to the AKTA for purification of affinity-tagged proteins? If it is, I would
really appreciate if you can tell me in what way it is superior